(Android) Opening Widget Box when touching the App's "desktop"


I think you should remove the option to open the widget box when touching the “desktop”, it interrupts the work flow. You should only leave the option to open the widget box when you press the + button in the task bar.

It’s really annoying when you try to move/resize some gadgets around the screen. If you miss the gadget you get the widget box in front of you. Is it so hard to press the + button to add a new gadget…

Best Wishes.

Actually, I had been noticing that in the back of my mind… and just kept closing the widget box and carrying on, but now I am wondering if that is NOT intentional, and perhaps a small bug? @Dmitriy

@Gunner not a bug. Feature :slight_smile:. I’ll leave this for @Pavel. He is UX guru.

I see… and I guess it can be handy at times, however @Pavel, would it be difficult to make it an optional feature?

As I remember on iOS we even don’t have + button :slight_smile:.

I’ll take your word on that… I can’t afford to even look at Apple product$ :stuck_out_tongue:

I did the same but some strange event happened in the universe so I’ve took the time to write this “small” but annoying “feature” here in the forum XD

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I just realized there are 3 ways to get to the widget box in Android:

  1. Plus Button
  2. Fast Touch on “Desktop”
  3. Finger slide from Right to Left…

Most of the time I am rearranging the widget positions, not adding widgets.

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