I use the Local Blynk Server to register for an account and I use an Android phone to scan a QR code to create a Project but I cannot scan it. And I have used an Iphone and have successfully scanned a QR code
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After last update I cannot read anymore a QR code of projects. I try with different devices, but no one can read QR. I try by other app, and it will read immediately. My devices are S10, mi mix 2s and Huawei t5 tablet.
Sometimes there are issues with QR scan on different devices, that’s why we implemented 2 different qr scanners in the app for different devices, and allowed scanning qr from the file - have you tried scanning from the file? Also in top right corner there is a button which should enable/disable autofocus - it can also help.
Can you provide any information about the device with the scanning issues? Manufacturer, model and Android version, Thanks
Hi, we found a bug that may cause such issues, bugfix build will be uploaded today to Google Play.
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