Allow Less secure apps closing afte may 2022 Gmail

The local server in blynk uses gmail less secure apps option to send emails. But after may 2022 the option of allowing less secure app will fail.

How will blynk local server then communicate to users to share authentication keys then?

Blynk local server is retired, so I doubt that the software will be changed (and I presume that it used Less Secure Apps for a reason).
However, there are two workarounds…

  1. open the project properties screen on the app and copy/paste the auth token into your local mail client and email it to yourself)

  2. open the admin screen on the server and copy/paste the auth token from there and either paste it directly into your sketch or email it uisng a local client as above)

Dealing with links to reports is going to be less simple though.
Presumably the function will also cease to work.


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I abandoned Blynk email years ago since it did not support attachments. My Blynk clients generate their own reports, send them to the local server via ftp and send a formatted mpack command line to a Blynk client on the server via bridge for email operations. Works flawlessly.

Thanks Pete. I had not known this option.

As a turaround i also wanted to know wether can I use Gmail APIs to perform the job??

Will it be feasible ??


As a Blynk gmail user, that avenue is going away. Could you elaborate on the process you developed? I cannot quite grasp it. Thanks.

I guess that if the Gmail APIs allow this, and your Java programming skills are good enough, then you could fork the legacy local server code and make the changes.
But, if you’re asking the question then I guess that you don’t have that knowledge and skill set,


Thanks Pete.
I will surely give this a try.

My private servers run on Raspberry Pis. I have not only the server running on the Pi but also an FTP server, Apache Web server and C++ Blynk client. The server client as well the the 8266 clients all have bridge widgets installed. When an 8266 client wants to send an email (with or without an attachment) they first upload the attachment, body text, etc to the FTP server and then send a completely formatted “mpack” command line to the C++ server app over the bridge. The server client receives the command line and executes it on the Pi using the “system” call. works flawlessly.

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Hey There Blynk Fans.
I have used a non service from google as my college has such a paid subscription for this. The allow less secure apps only work for google mail free users only.

Paid subscription are not affected by it.