After pressing “Reset Now” I get the message “Invalid request parameters”

After pressing “Reset Now” button to Blynk password reset I get the message “Invalid request parameters.” after redirecting to
How can I resolve this problem?

My guess is that the email address that you’ve entered isn’t the one that you used when you created your Blynk account.
And, this seems like an odd format for an email address…


So could you please advice how to delete current account and after i will create it again? Or how to resolve the problem?

I have the same
“Invalid request parameters.”

Creating a new topic and providing as many clues as possible would be a good move - clues such as:

  • whether you are using Blynk Legacy or IoT,
  • whether you are doing this from the app or web console,
  • which app version you are running,
  • which app OS you are using,
  • whether you previously logged-in via FaceBook,
  • etc etc .
