Add "BRIDGE" on new version blynk please!

Hi, unfortunately I can’t migrate some of my projects to the new blynk due to the lack of bridge communication, which is really important to me on the new platform.The very useful thing about bridge is that I was able to send data from different hardware devices such as arduino nano ed nodemcu.

Example 1:
Through arduino nano + esp01 I read a tank, this virtual value is sent via “bridge” to a Nodemcu connected to an lcd1602 display, where the parameters are read simultaneously on both the blynk app and the lcd.

Example 2:
Reading and control system of 2 tanks with 2 arduino nano + esp01 in communication bridge and 1 relay.

In this project there are 2 cisterns about 400 meters apart, one is the main one and the other of rainwater, both of which read the cisterns by sending their values ​​to the app.
When the main tank is equal to or below 30% and the rainfall is greater than 30%, a pump is turned on that sends water to the main tank, when the rainfall value is equal to or below 10% the motor is not activated or if activated it switches off automatically.

a presence check also takes place, i.e. if one of the 2 boards cannot be reached via the bridge, they both restart after 30 seconds, resetting the relays to the off state to prevent the relay from remaining on.

I hope bridge will be reintroduced soon because it is currently a big limitation …
Thank you.

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There’s a fairly simple workaround, using the HTTP(S) API ….


Hi Pete, does it also work on arduino nano in addition to esp8266?
Thank you.

If you read the topic then you’ll see an ESP8266 version.
I guess you’ll need a different HTTP library for the Nano + ESP01.


Do you know which library I can use for arduino + esp01?
thank you

I’m not sure. I don’t have an ESP-01 with AT firmware installed, so I can’t really test it.
Does your project require multiple analog inputs, preventing you from using a NodeMCU instead?


Unfortunately the only limitation I found with Nodemcu are the few pins available, that is some pins that cannot be used due to the bootloader type D3, D4, D8 and some others. Since the projects listed above about 10 input pins not counting the use of any relays come in example 2 above for reading, I can use nodemcu.
The great thing about Bridge is that you could interface with different hardware like arduino and nodemcu to send data.


Please stop tagging random people.

So why not use an ESP32?


I will buy one to test with the solution you propose via the HTTP (S) API … even if it means for me to replace my various devices working with blynk 1.0
Thank you.