Add advertising in the app

Hi, I’m using the free option of blynk! but I’m thinking of going for the paid version, but I have the problem that I’m in Argentina and in my country the price is too high to pay monthly… but the dollar is also very good… if I could earn something in dollars It would be a good idea to be able to keep the paid plan… since I can sell the equipment to the customer but then I keep the monthly cost of keeping that equipment running for life, I can’t charge the end customer anything, It occurred to me that I could put some type of advertising when opening the blynk app to help me with expenses… can it be done? Is it possible to add a banner or something so that it generates some money for me to be able to continue keeping that equipment running…? Thank you very much in advance Alejandro

This has been discussed many times before, and it’s always been seen as bad idea that would generate very little revenue.
In fact, I think the cost of finding advertisers would probably outweigh the revenue it generates.

Hopefully it will never happen.


no, my idea is to pay monthly but I can add advertising to my clients in the app, that way it would help me pay the monthly expenses of each app

It won’t work unless you have thousands of users. 1 million views per month generate ~1k $.

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