Adafruit Feather Huzzah (ESP8266) will not come back online when first configuring

Okay, I’d thought that was possible, but I’ve done a bit of digging into the free account I use for testing and I’ve realised that this was set-up when you were allowed to invite users with roles other than “user”. My test user has the role of “staff” which gives them the ability to provision devices, but your account won’t allow that now - sorry for misleading you on that.

No, you’re going to create lots of problems if you start messing around with the Edgent code in this way.
You have two options…

  1. use a non-Edgent sketch. This is by far the cleanest approach and will free-up the two GPIOs that are used for the LED and reset buttons.
    If you need/want to use a Blynk.Air OTA then this is easy to add-in, as described in this topic (choose the ESP8266 version of the code)…
  1. use Edgent, but provision the device yourself either when you go to install it, or by creating a network on your home WiFi that perfectly matches the one used in the remote location and provision the device to that network.

Note that in either scenario, you’ll still need to transfer ownership of the device to a different user for them to be able to control it.
