About ESP8266 communicate with STM32 through IO by uart

I have a STM32F401 board and ESP8266CH340,they like this.
I want to use STM board analysis data which sent by esp8266 GPIO.
whether it is possible?I need your help.

there is not enough information about this.
and, as @Gunner will say … What does this have to do with Blynk


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I will risk and answer: yes, it is possible. But… What? You basically just presented us types of some development boards and asked if they can be connected together. If that was the question, then I sustain my answer.

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I am sorry that I described it badly.
The thing is this, I want to build a smart device interaction platform with a speech recognition and synthesis module, and use ESP8266 to communicate with my mobile phone, originally wanted to use this part of the STM32 board that I am more familiar with, let STM32 to ESP8266 Sending control information is OK, because I did not find this part of the data, and now I am trying to try whether it can directly process the speech recognition and synthesis information on the ESP8266 directly through the serial port. I am currently looking for information.
Thank you very much for your answer!

I am sorry that I described it badly.
The thing is this, I want to build a smart device interaction platform with a speech recognition and synthesis module, and use ESP8266 to communicate with my mobile phone, originally wanted to use this part of the STM32 board that I am more familiar with, let STM32 to ESP8266 Sending control information is OK, because I did not find this part of the data, and now I am trying to try whether it can directly process the speech recognition and synthesis information on the ESP8266 directly through the serial port. I am currently looking for information.
The main problem is how to use Arduino to complete this part of serial communication. In fact, this is really not related to blynk
Thank you very much for your answer!

As you said, not Blynk related… however this is a Blynk forum, predominantly for Blynk assistance, not general programming or hardware questions (unless specifically related to Blynk). I recommend you Google your speech recognition & cross serial communication inquiries and perhaps even ask on the Arduino forums.