A buffer clear statement while running on Arduino

Hi blynkers,

I’m new to Blynk, but used Arduino uno for a while, and never had a buffer problem, so this is my problem: Eveytime I use the slider widget or any widget with data exchange through my Arduino Uno and esp8266 Wi-Fi module, the buffer overflow will reset the connection to the Blynk server, it’s really annoying. My suggestion is that a buffer clear statement is made to set a limit and clear buffer if it reaches it instead of resetting. Or maybe replace the string after read, I’m not sure how it works but it would be really good to have this problem fixed.
Please try…

@vshymanskyy, please check. This is the repeating question. What can we do here?

This is well-known that Arduino can be too slow to process bursts of data from esp8266…
Yes you could increase buffer, but it really won’t help in long-term.

I’m sorry but what do you mean with increase buffer?
In long term?

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I was coded temp and humidity monitoring as SHT71 sensor.

I happened same situation like arduino connection closing after many buffer overflow.

It is OK after sampling time was changed 5 sec to 10 sec.