2.0 email notifications

does anyone know if it is possible to email a string variable to your email from the events notifications ? like you could with the legacy version ?

use automations

thank you😁


You need to use either automation or template events for that. That’s because every email address should be validated and the only way to validate the email is to have it registered within the Blynk Console. Otherwise, our emails may go to the spam folder.

thanks Dmitriy. I am slowly figuring out the new 2.0 , it’s quite a challenge but is well worth all the effort. workflow will be a great advantage in future projects.

Hi all, I was sending a daily email with string data when I was using Blynk Legacy. Worked great. Now I am trying to do the same thing with Blynk 2.0 without success. Would anybody know if it’s possible to send the following string data with Blynk 2.0? Does the ‘content tab’ in email notifications accept String Data?

  String str1  = "Start of Day Grid Meter Read: " + String (ImportStart) + "kW";
  String str2  = "End of Day Grid Meter Read: " + String (ImportEnd) + "kW";
  String str3  = "Start of Day FIT Meter Read: " + String (ExportStart) + "kW";
  String str4  = "End of Day FIT Meter Read: " + String (ExportEnd) + "kW";
  String str5  = "Import Daily Total: " + String (ImportEnd - ImportStart) + "kW";
  String str6  = "FIT Daily Total: " + String (ExportEnd - ExportStart) + "kW";
  String str7  = "Import Cost: $" + String ((((ImportEnd - ImportStart) * PricePerKW) / 100) * 
UsageDiscount ,2);
  String str8  = "Feed in Tariff: $" + String (((ExportEnd - ExportStart) * FeedInTariffPerKw) / 100 ,2);
  String str9  = "Daily Profit/Loss: <b>$" + String(((((ExportEnd - ExportStart) * FeedInTariffPerKw) / 100) - ((((ImportEnd - ImportStart) * PricePerKW) / 100) * UsageDiscount) - (DailySolarFee / 100)) - (DailyConnectionFee / 100),2) + "</b>";
  String str10 = "<b>GG's Daily Energy Monitor Stats<br>" + currentDate + "</b>";
  String str11 = "Calculations based on <b>Cost/kW: " + String(PricePerKW) + "cents, </b>FIT: " + String(FeedInTariffPerKw) + "cents, <b>Daily Connection Fee: " + String(DailyConnectionFee) + "cents, </b>Usage Discount: " +  String(UsageDiscountNum) + "%";
  Blynk.email("*******@gmail.com","GG's Daily Energy Monitor Stats", str10 + "<br><br>" + str5 + "<br>" + str6 + "<br>" + str7 + "<br>" + str8 + "<br>" + str9 + "<br><br>" + str1 + "<br>" + str2 + "<br>" + str3 + "<br>" + str4 + "<br><br><br><br>" + str11);
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Hey guys.

When I use automation to send email I can’t change the email address, I have another user and I would like to send him an email. Is it a pro plan feature only ?


It’s not yet done. We’ll extend automations soon.

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Thanks for your support. Your the best buddy.

I want to same the same thing with Blynk 2.0 but unfortunatly i don’t figure out how to do with automation + email ???

Hello, @gacaron

you can send email by all types automation

You can also use events instead of automation.

I was referring to GG07’s post just above. My need is to send a string depending on the case in the subject or the content of the email
 Not sure it is possible with atomations because the content of email seems to be fixed.

Sorry, i have now understand how to send specfic email content.
With blynk legacy i used “Blynk.email()”. With Blynk 2.0 we can do the same thing with “Blynk.logEvent()” and use it for notification in Blynk app or send an email by setting the notification tab in the event ! So powerful !

This example is interesting
Blynk.logEvent(“event_code”, String("High TemperatureDetected! TÂș: ") + temp);

@gacaron Yes absolutely right.
You can use this in sketch Events - Blynk Documentation

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