0.2.0 BlynkLib Python on Win10 "no attribute" errors

Newbie to forum and blynk, I probably did everything wrong so sorry in advance.
I have a project that runs flawlessly on a RPI3b with latest Raspbian and current Python BlynkLib.
I tried to port it to a Windows 10 “Stick” PC but keep getting error “Blynk” has no attribute “VIRTUAL_READ”
I have 0.2.6 BlynkLib (official I think, but there are other forks I’ve tried) installed on both Python27 and Python38 via pip/pip3 install, and I get the same behavior whether running it as Python 2 or 3. I get the Blynk “logo” when it starts so I think that means it is connecting to the server ok? But maybe Win10 is a no-go for the library? But it seems like there are newer libraries so maybe I just need help on how to install them manually. Before I tear the last of my hair out I’m hoping someone has run into this and has a fix.
I put the applicable section of code in the backticks below.
Thanks in advance!

from datetime import datetime
import serial
import time
# Initialize Blynk
        BLYNK_AUTH ='**************************************'  #For Project
        blynk = blynklib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH,server='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', port=xxxx)

        # Register Virtual Pin - Read Live Stats
        def my_read_handler():
             currentTime = datetime.now()
             blynk.virtual_write(50, currentTime.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))

While I can’t speak for, or totally understand, your “port to PC” method, I was able to confirm that you have a few syntax errors in your code above.

No BlynkLib library imported :stuck_out_tongue: Could be just a typo if you were able to get the logo, as that is in the library and not an indication of connection.

Some invalid indents

blinklib.Blynk() needs the uppercase B and L in BlynkLib

And no way for the code to keep running, thus stops before printing the first display data…
Add this…

while True:

And now it also works fine on my RPi…

import BlynkLib
from datetime import datetime
import serial
import time
# Initialize Blynk
BLYNK_AUTH ='XA7r5kG7*******ZEXttJME5r'  #For Project*
blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH,server='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', port=8080)

# Register Virtual Pin - Read Live Stats
@blynk.VIRTUAL_READ(0)  # vPin 0
def my_read_handler():
    currentTime = datetime.now()
    blynk.virtual_write(0, currentTime.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))

# === Start Blynk (this call should never return) ===
while True:

Again, not quite sure what you are trying on the PC with a USB stick, but sounds like a library install issue as Windows support is shown as valid in the official Blynk Python Library.


Thanks so much for the quick response and great info!

Yeah my code got a little weird near the end because one of the Blynk Libraries I tried the “blynklib” really was all lower case.

I got it working after doing the following. (Hope I’m remembering all the steps, I tried a lot of stuff)

I went back to the original RPi3b project (that works without issue) to recheck versions. So in that one I was using 0.2.0 BlynkLib.py So I figured I should try and match that at least to eliminate some potential variables.

Went back to Win 10 Stick and 'pip uninstall’ed every fork of Blynk Library for both Python 2 and 3. Then I found that the only fork that I could get to do an 0.2.0 version was ‘pip install blynk-library-python’

Then I still was having issue with unknown attribute and was wondering about my env path… even though I had changed it to include Lib/site-packages for each python version, I wonder if some part of it did not propagate fully. So did a reboot.

After the reboot, partial eureka! No more unknown attribute error! But a new error emerged. “AttributeError: module ‘os’ has no attribute ‘uname’”.
So a google search revealed that some OS implementations do not include “uname” in os module. I opened up BlynkLib.py and was able to comment out the usage of uname.os and incredibly, everything started working!

Thanks again and I hope this will be useful for other Blynkers.