Table tennis robot - NodeMcu - 7 motors

What about a robot arm to play against you? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for the suggestion! My idea until now was to build something with a vertical pipe and push the balls from the bottom to the top with a servo motor. Should not be required much power for that… The issues is to find the way to bring consistently the balls in front of the servo at the entrance of the pipe. I didnt try yet, but I would say… it is urgent! :slight_smile:

well…someone else had the same idea, and they did it :1st_place_medal: e.g. …anyway I think the arm has still issues with the spinny balls :thinking:

crazyyyyy :smiley:

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That is GREAT!


Now, furobot is also enabled to receive voice commands with Amazon Echo.

e.g. Alexa! Turn oscillation on
Alexa! Turn furobot off

How to do it is very well explained in this post:

I’m back with an update about the planned features

Planned features:

  1. Balls recycling: the balls container is full with about 60 balls; for a regular exercice that means a duration of 1 minute :sweat_smile:. It would be nice to have a reciclyng system to bring back the balls into the top container.

The balls recycler has been designed, printed and tested indoor. At the moment there is snow in my garden :snowflake: , the final test on the field will be possible in April. At this point in time the post could be renamed as “Table tennis robot - 2 NodeMcu - 8 motors” :sunglasses::snowflake:

  1. New model built with 3D printed components: possibility to create a clone within minutes assembling few parts._

The clone is in preparation, printing the parts and waiting the delivery of the missing electronic components.
Instead of clone I would better call it Furobot partner, because the idea is to have 2 robots working in sync to shoot balls from different spots. Thanks to blynk, each robot should shoot a ball about every second, without overlapping with the other one… that is challenging… If that works I have “2 Table tennis robots in sync - 4 NodeMcu - 16 motors”; otherwise just a spare robot :smiley:

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Ready to print…

So… did you intend it to look like a dog? :stuck_out_tongue: I had to look thrice because my first thoughts where… how can that robot dog walk without movable legs :thinking:… then I checked the topic title and zoomed into the picture :rofl:

EDIT, I guess it looked like this all along, just appeared to me like a sort of dog (with a funny tail) without the feeder bin and stuff attached… sorry :stuck_out_tongue: no insult of your design intended.


No problem :slight_smile: , I like my design, expecially if at the end it will work as expected :sweat_smile:

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The 3D printed version has been completed, ready to start double hard training! :sweat_smile:

Next goal is to make them to communicate to each other :ping_pong:


Can you post the electronics of this one. I mean the pattern of wiring and the codes you used to program the robot

@joeson07 In the next days I will draw a diagram and collect some code.

Furobot02.jar (4.3 KB)

Thank you for the code and the shematics, very helpful!
Both works almost good, but not easy to rebuild your robot. Especially the functions inside the tube are not clear. Looks like there is a spring at the end, i am still testing… makes lot of fun!

Hi @radla, the balls are coming down and pushed forward to the wheels by the SG90 servo (no spring).

I’m looking forward to seeing your robot!

Can you provide me the detail drawing?

Here the file in Fusion 360 format (inside the jar):

v5.jar (342.2 KB)

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Hi Paolo,

in your video at 01:51 there is a dark line before the ball, thats what i mean. What did you use for this? (see on last image)
Can you also post a picture from the top of your machine, how the ball serving works? I tried something, but this did not work (not connected in the picture). I think the principle is ok, maybe my ballcontainer is too small:


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…that is an industrial secret :slight_smile:
it is a small zip tie used to stop the balls otherwise in certain situations they could fall down when it is not wanted. It is only a low resistance, so there is no problem for the servo to push the balls forward when it is the time and the servo gives the timing, not the gravity.
I see you have almost completed :+1: do not give up :muscle:

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