Sharing two projects

I’ve created two projects for my wife. The first was shared on her phone over a month ago and working fine. The second I just completed and attempted to share. When I open Blynk on her phone, it only seems to allow one project. Can more than one be shared on the same phone?

I think not.

You can scan only 1 shared project.

@Dmitriy,i think you should consider this as new feature.
mutiple project support.

@Dmitriy or you can add Tab function on it 4 Tabs 4 projects :slight_smile:

I reactivated my wife’s Blynk account and set up the two projects on her phone, so I got this resolved for my case.
But I think you are missing an opportunity here. There are only so many geeks like us that would assemble a circuit, program in Arduino, and set up Blynk. There are many more people that could use such a project. The project I did just monitors an appliance and is quite simple. I would like to build more and give them as presents (maybe for Christmas) to my sisters or others. But the big hurdle is the Auth. token.
You should consider some way for a user to give/sell a project to another person. Ideally, the project builder would set it up and then purchase (use energy) a transfer that would generate a sharing code. They would then just scan that on the recipients phone. Hope you consider this idea.

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