Running Hardware in Offline Mode

Hey all!

I noticed that in the new update of the firmware, this code is no longer needed as the library does this internally to check whether the hardware is connected to the Blynk server:

    while (Blynk.connect() == false) {
    // Wait until connected

Is there a way to turn this feature off so the program doesn’t remain stuck until a connection is established?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Look at Blynk.config() in the docs.


Just tried using the Blynk.config() command rather than Blynk.begin() - code

void setup()
  Blynk.connectWiFi("...", "...");

void loop()

After some serial print debugging, the program remains stuck at the Blynk.connectWiFi() command this time. However, the docs also say:

If you want to skip connecting to the server, just call Blynk.disconnect() right after configuration.

Could I maybe set up timer to call Blynk.disconnect() after it cannot connect to the network in a given period of time?

You connect to WiFi before Blynk.