Multiple Screen in the same project


I have 200 hundred odd control. Which can’t be available on the same screen.

So I would request is there any way that i could add multiple screen.


I also second for some feature like Tab page or zoom in/out the dashboard . Scroll bar seems more like a desktop application.

Hi, I use this simple way to do multiple screen to access one hardware, using multiple tokens:

char auth1[] = "** change this**";
char auth2[] = "** change this**";


// Switching between Apps screen
if (1 == switchToken) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, "IDLE");
    if (1 == tokenInUse) {
        tokenInUse = 0;
    } else {
        tokenInUse = 1;
    Blynk.virtualWrite(6, "LIVE");
    Blynk.tweet(String("Change to Demo ") + String(tokenInUse+1) + String(" # ") + String(millis()/1000));
    switchToken = 0;

Then I can use long pressed push button to avoid inadvertent switching, such as:

// Press for changing to another screen, this button need to be pressed for 2 seconds
unsigned long lastPressedScreen;

    if (1 == param.asInt()) {
        lastPressedScreen = millis();
    } else if (1000 < (millis() - lastPressedScreen)) {
        switchToken = 1;

It can be expanded to many screen, at cost of one button… Then for many many multiple control item (such as tens of buttons) I would rather use large slider to select which one and a button + LED to indicate the status.



Wow, this is very creative. This is what I call an engineering mind - totally different from all the rest of people. :smile:
How’s the switch? Is there a lag in connection?

The switch is manageable, as I intentionally add delay anyway, but it will immediately available on the other screen as soon as I swipe it across. And the value box indicating ‘IDLE’ and ‘LIVE’ is very useful. I use Particle Photon for this project.



@akm17 : Thanks lot for your solution.
@Blynk : I think it can be a good improvement to allow users to add more widgets by page. :slight_smile:

Yes i agree with akm17, thats thesame in my mind to use multiple auth in a 1 project then assing the un use i/o points from the same device conteoller in to next screen page.

Multiple screen with the same auth can be very easier…

Hi, This is really cool, i am a hardware guy not have knowledge of the software, do not know where to add this code. Appropriate if you could let me know where to add this code in my Arduino Mega board.

@hnaeem07 Please pay attention to the date stamps. You are asking a question on a very old topic about an issue that is no longer relevant. The App now has scrolling screen and multi-tabs per project. Lots of room for widgets and no code required.