How to reinstall Android App without losing authorization tokens

I’m convinced my recent problems with blynk have something to do with with a corrupt android app. I have several projects with many widgets and I really don’t want to have to re-flash all my ESP 8266s - some of which are almost inaccessible without an afternoon of taking things apart.

Can someone explain how I can backup my blynk data so that I can uninstall the app, then put it back when I’ve reinstalled?

Many thanks


@Falcon9 as long as you know your username, password and you are using Blynk’s cloud server then you don’t need to do anything.

You can test this by borrowing another Android device and you will see that all your projects appear when you log in to the new device. The projects are not held on your phone, they are on the server.

There are “backups” you can do if you feel you need to. Starting with: for each of your projects.

You can clone your projects for backup purposes too.

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@Falcon9 @Costas is right. We also do backups on cloud. So even cloud goes down we will be able to restore all data.

Wonderful! Many thanks for you prompt and helpful advice.

I’ll give it a try.

It worked. And my app seems to be more stable now. Many thanks
