Arduino uno and Blynk Usb serial

I am using DSB1820 with arduino uno. With blynk I’m using the usb serial and its working fine. But my question is how many sensors can I connect with blynk usb serial, I want to use INA219 to measure the current and voltage. Has anyone worked with multiple sensors with blynk usb as there are no similar projects online.

Is there any good online simulatior because proteus doesn’t read the values when I tried it with blynk.

In theory, you should only be limited by the number of datastreams available in your Blynk subscription.
But, nobody uses the USB connection type for fully-fledged IoT projects because it makes no sense to have a PC running 24/7 with the Blynk USB script window open all the time.


This is just a small project, is there any simulator for blynk besides wokwi.

I have no idea, why do you need to use a simulator?
Why not simply send made-up data from your Uno to Blynk to simulate additional sensors?
