Wunderground Json parsing array

ESP32 - Wifi
Android version 11
Blynk server
v 0.6.1

I’m trying to call the wunderground API am experiencing a problem with parsing because there is an array in it. Can anybody guide me in the right direction?

{“observations”:[{“stationID”:“IEBEV86”,“obsTimeUtc”:“2022-01-30T12:24:42Z”,“obsTimeLocal”:“2022-01-30 13:24:42”,“neighborhood”:“Brussels”,“softwareType”:“EasyWeatherV1.6.1”,“country”:“BE”,“solarRadiation”:224.8,“lon”:5.715,“realtimeFrequency”:null,“epoch”:1643545482,“lat”:50.169,“uv”:2.0,“winddir”:287,“humidity”:74,“qcStatus”:1,“metric”:{“temp”:8,“heatIndex”:8,“dewpt”:3,“windChill”:8,“windSpeed”:2,“windGust”:4,“pressure”:1019.91,“precipRate”:0.00,“precipTotal”:0.00,“elev”:4}}]}

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Thanks John93, how some guidance can give much better insights!

The documentation of Deserialization tutorial | ArduinoJson 6 and especially Assistant | ArduinoJson 6 helped me to solve the problem.

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Well, that’s a good news, I’m so glad your problem has been solved.