I want to update the state of the button in the blynk app whenever an interrupt is detected at a certain pin on my esp32. The problem is that the esp crashes when it encounters the blynk statement Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, Relay_State_alexa); in the ISR. Is there any way around it? Can i update the value of my button in the blynk app within the ISR? The ISR code is below and tried the part which i have commented as well. Please help!
Serial.println("RF DETECTED!!!");
Relay_State_alexa = !Relay_State_alexa;
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN_Alexa, Relay_State_alexa);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, Relay_State_alexa);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, Relay_State_alexa); ------- crashes here
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, Relay_State_alexa);