WeMos D1 Cannot Read DHT 11. Help!

Try hooking up a simple LED/resistor and confirming the correct pin designations with digitalWrite() commands

How come?

I’m also met the problem.
i can’t find the correct pin on my Wemos D1.
at last ,i change the
#define DHTPIN 2 // what digital pin we're connected to
#define DHTPIN D2 // what digital pin we're connected to

But it’s not really the way to fix your problem. You should use GPIO numbers not WeMos labels in your sketch. WeMos site has a lookup table to convert their D references to real GPIO numbers.

If you stick with D references you will have problems as you move on to more advanced features of Blynk like their API etc. Even without Blynk you should avoid the D references and compile your sketch as generic ESP8266 as it makes you code more portable between different MCU’s.