Voltage monitor for 6S lipo and esp8266

I have been looking for a suitable monitor for my Lipo 6S battery and atm im thinking of using a MAX471. Does this seem like a good option or do you guys have other suggestions ? Basically i want to monitor my Lipo battery voltage but its at 23v and the current can get as high as 120A. Could i just wire any monitor in parallel that supports 23v or more ?

@Dema323 Maybe you could use a voltage divider on the analog pin, and do some mapping in the code to output an estimated battery percentage. Do remember though, 0% battery would not necessarily be 0V at the LiPO. You would need to determine what voltage would equal a dead battery. You don’t want the voltage in the LiPo to go to low or else you will damage them and/or shorten their lifespan.

Here is a snipet of code I use to monitor a 2s LiPo battery. I got the values for the mapping by using an adjustable power supply set at the voltages I wanted to use, i.e 7V would be 0% battery life and 8.4V would be 100%. With each of the voltages applied to A0 (with voltage divider added) I monitored the values being sent to the serial monitor. Once I had those values I mapped them to relate to percentage.

int battery1 = analogRead(battery); //Read voltage level at Analog Pin A0; for NodeMCU Board 3.3V = 1023; R1=1Kohm, R2=220Kohm
battery1 = map(battery1, 730, 875, 0, 100); //convert to % for APP; 7V=730, 8.4V=875

Hope this is of some help.

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