Virtual pin with IFTTT


Please help me ,

i am using Virtual pin in blynk and when i click its working fine

now i want to connect with IFTTT google assistant so insted of clicking in blynk i will use google assistant . when i tried to test it there is no response how can i make connection between them

Method PUT
Body {“1”}
URL my Token/ update / V1?value=0
Content Type (optional)

thank you

The value that you put in the Body field is meant to be the value that you’re sending to the virtual pin. However, you’re putting that value in the URL already, and it’s the opposite value to the one that you’ve included in the Body.

This means that you’re actually sending something like this to the Blynk server: my Token/ update / V1?value=01

You also have some spaces in the URL, which should be avoided.

By far the best way of doing IFTTT updates is to use the GET command and put everything ion the URL filed, leaving the Body field empty.
The syntax for GET is slightly different. Your URL should look something like this to turn the button widget on V1 off:

and like this to turn it on:

You can also paste these URLs directly into your browser’s address bar to test that they update the widget in your app.


@PeteKnight thank you very much for your support

please keep it up

you are very helpful

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