Using phone RTC to assist arduino

It would be nice to have a widget that could take advantage of the phone’s clock to help with Arduino daily tasks. Normally, this would be easy to implement on the Arduino simply by adding a RTC and some code. However, I’m almost at the max limit of my sketch size ~30K, so code real estate is valuable.

The idea is this - have a widget that could send time data (date would be a bonus) to the Arduino, then this info can be used for tasks. I have a simple example with my upcoming garage opener project. I want to monitor how many times each door was opened each day and have it reset daily. A widget would offload bunch of code from the Duino and allow me to save space.

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Doesn’t timer widget fit your needs?

couldn t you use the new timer widget, trigger it every day at 0:00 and in the BLYNK_WRITE just do the reset…

I don’t know how it works? Is there a Wiki that explains this?

you just add a Timer widget in the app, and when the timer time comes it calls BLYNK_WRITE(VIRTUAL_PIN) on the arduino side.

here 's a sample function i added today, virtual pin 10, it starts and stops automatically a relay:

  int a = param.asInt();
  if (a == 0) {
    digitalWrite(5, LOW);

    wateringStart = 0;
  } else {
    digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
    if (wateringStart == 0) {
      wateringStart = millis();
  Blynk.virtualWrite(1, a);
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Thx for the example @tzapulica. Also, I think I understand how the timer widget works now. It should do the trick for what I want. Thx


Thanks for help!

Later will make timer more complex (or add separate widget) so you could trigger it at specific date, or day week.


We’re working on documentation.

hi, in the last part of the code there is a “Blynk.virtualWrite(1, a)”; or V1. what kind of widget is V1 ? and what does it do?



V1 is a virtual pin. Instead of addressing a physical gpio pin on your arduino, virtual pins can be used by the blynk smartphone app, being a led or button or any other widget on the app assigned to this virtual pin.
Hope this helps.


Out the top of my head it s an led widget for feedback. I use these all over the place waiting on being able to set button states :stuck_out_tongue:

You can now use RTC widget, in the latest library and App
