Unable to connect using Arduino WifiSheild

Hey Blynkers,

I have been using an Arduino WifiSheild for my connection.
The shield gets connected to the internet but the flow gets stuck at the connection to blynk server. Used different ports but wasn’t able to do so.
Kindly help as I needed it for my project.


If you’re connecting to the Blynk cloud server then you shouldn’t need to ‘use different ports’.
Please copy and paste the output from your serial monitor and provide more information about how you’ve configured your hardware.


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Hello Pete,

Apologies for a delayed response.
The serial monitor output is,

16:31:51.097 -> [0] Connecting to vodafone-5A9C

16:32:01.101 -> [10001] IP:

16:32:01.135 -> [10001]

16:32:01.135 ->     ___  __          __
16:32:01.169 ->    / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
16:32:01.204 ->   / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
16:32:01.204 ->  /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
16:32:01.237 ->         /___/ v0.6.1 on Arduino Uno

16:32:01.272 -> [10120] Connecting to [blynk-cloud.com:80](http://blynk-cloud.com/)
16:32:12.280 -> [21165] Connecting to [blynk-cloud.com:80](http://blynk-cloud.com/)
16:32:22.272 -> [31167] Connecting to [blynk-cloud.com:80](http://blynk-cloud.com/)
16:32:32.291 -> [41170] Connecting to [blynk-cloud.com:80](http://blynk-cloud.com/)
16:32:42.313 -> [51171] Connecting to [blynk-cloud.com:80](http://blynk-cloud.com/)
16:32:52.318 -> [61174] Connecting to [blynk-cloud.com:80](http://blynk-cloud.com/)


I guess it could be related to this:

You might want to try connecting to a different WiFi network.


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