Two Bugs/Issues in the iOS App

Hey there!

We’ve started using Blynk yesterday and it is really awesome. However, there are two things I have noticed.

1: When adding a slider, the order of the “from” and “to” values of the PWM setting are disregarded.
I experimentally bound the builtin LED of my Wemos D1 Esp8266 board to a Blynk slider.
At the D1, a pulling the pin HIGH disables the LED, pulling the pin LOW enables the LED.

Within the slider configuration I can now set ranges for the PWM from 0 to 1023. Now the issue is that the LED is off when the value is at 1023 but on when the slider is at 0. I just reversed the input, ranging from 1023 to 0 but the issue still persists, the LED gradually turns on if I set the slider to 0.
So either I was unable to configure my setup correctly or your App is doing some magic and sorting the input values somehow unpredictably :slight_smile:

The second issue I have experienced is, that the graph in a “History Graph” module is not show values continuously but cuts off values, although I am certain that I have measured data at that time. To me it looks like that the graph is stuck when the value of the data point has not changed over time, i.e. the graph library draws the last point where a value change occured and does not continue drawing the line until t-0.

Screenshots attached :slight_smile:


The Wemos D1 blue LED is on when that pin is low. So I didn’t quite get what is the issue…

I don’t see any

As yo see on the screenshot, the slider is pulled to the right with value set to 1024. That’s intuitively quite different from my perspective. The slider should be at 0 and the LED should be off then. Instead, the LED is off when the slider is set to 1024.
I could workaround that with a virtual pin, however.

Sorry, added one. I am prohibited to upload more than one to this forum.

The ESP8266 was connected to the network all the time. Polling interval is set to 1 min.

I think you’re looking in the right direction. When controlling physical pin directly (like you did) the actual pin output is displayed. With virtual pin you could inverse it in your code.

Regarding History Graph - we’re looking into this, thanks.