Timers to turn on the Pump 10 times then turn on the valve 1 once

So i have a pump + valve and would turn on the Pump 10 times then turn on the valve 1 once.
This is very easy to accomplish in Arduino but in BLYNK its kinda hard…

I have googled as you advise but if you could guide me where to look it would be great…

please help with a basic code for doing so in Blynk

int Valve = 13;
int Pump = 27;

void setup() {
pinMode(Pump, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Valve, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j = j + 1) { // Start our for loop
digitalWrite(Pump, HIGH); //Turn red pump on
delay(1000); //Leave on for pumpOnTime
digitalWrite(Pump, LOW); //Turn pump LED off
delay(5000); //Leave off for pumpOffTime

digitalWrite(Valve, HIGH); //Turn valve LED on
digitalWrite(Pump, HIGH); //Turn pump LED on
delay(2000); //Leave on for valveOnTime
digitalWrite(Valve, LOW); //Turn valveLED off
digitalWrite(Pump, LOW); //Turn pump LED off
delay(1000); //Leave off for pumpOffTime


Good news is that Blynk uses “Arduino code”. Bad news is that you have been using bad Arduino code for your pump.

delay() is a very bad function. Instead of delay() you should have been using another function that allows you to trade CDA’s (cryptographic digital assets, like Bitcoin and Ethereum) during the periods of pump inactivity.

Many, many years ago delay() was replaced by a function called Simple Timer https://playground.arduino.cc/Code/SimpleTimer. The code is awesome but the docs are not great for novices.

Really get to know what Simple Timer does and then use it in your Blynk projects. Blynk has tweaked the function and included it within their libraries as Blynk Timer (not to be confused with the Blynk timer or time input widgets).


Louis, can you also describe what you want blynk to do for you? What i mean is, are you looking to watch the led’s on your phone? Are you hoping to control the 10:1 ratio, or the 10:1 act. Are you looking to reverse the process as in -1:-10 ?

Its not clear.


So my project is basically circulating a fluid through some membranes. I have temperature sensors, INA219 DC sensor etc…
My main challenge is the DC pump and a Valve assembly…
Requirements:I want to
1:Turn on DC Pump in intervals {delays} of 20 sec for 2 secs only.
2: After 10 times {of above} turn on the Valve +DC pump for 2 secs.
3 :I’m using an ESP32 and the i2c {21,22 pins} are being used by the INA219 DC sensor can i add an LCD screen to use 2 i2c devices in BLYNK.

MY SAMPLE CODE: The problem is in the timers for the Valve and pump…

    #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
    #include <WiFi.h>
    #include <WiFiClient.h>
    #include <OneWire.h>
    #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 5  // GPI 05
    OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
    DallasTemperature sensorsA(&oneWire);
    DallasTemperature sensorsB(&oneWire);
    DallasTemperature sensorsC(&oneWire);
    DallasTemperature sensorsD(&oneWire);
    //********************************************************************For INA219 Electrical Current Voltage Power************************************************************************
    #include <Wire.h>
    #include <Adafruit_INA219.h>
    #include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>
    #include <TimeLib.h>
    BlynkTimer timer;
    //****************************************************************** CLOCK DETAILS ********************************************************************************************************
    #include <WidgetRTC.h>//Blynk
    WidgetRTC rtc;
    //*****************************************************************For INA219 Electrical Current Voltage Power Sensor *********************************************************************
    Adafruit_INA219 ina219 (0x40);                                                // For INA219 Electrical Current Voltage Power Sensor
    float shuntvoltage = 0;                                                 // For INA219 Electrical Current Voltage Power Sensor
    float busvoltage = 0;                                                   // For INA219 Electrical Current Voltage Power Sensor
    float current_mA = 0;                                                   // For INA219 Electrical Current Voltage Power Sensor
    float loadvoltage = 0;                                                  // For INA219 Electrical Current Voltage Power Sensor
    float power = 0;
    float energy = 0;
    float KiloJouleHour = 0;
    float KiloJoule = 0;
    //******************************************************************************** SECTION FOR YOU TO COMPLETE WITH YOUR DETAILS***********************************************************
    char auth[] = "45b2a01b430d4849b756d31669692c31";
    char ssid[] = "mifi";
    char pass[] = "12345678";
    char server[] = "blynk-cloud.com";  // URL for Blynk Cloud Server
    int port = 8080;
    //*********************************************************************************** SET PINS VARIBLES**************************************************************************************
    uint8_t Valve = 13;
    uint8_t Auger = 12;
    uint8_t Mixer = 14;
    uint8_t Pump = 27;
    int PWM_Mixer;
    int PWM_Auger;
    int DeviceLED = 2;
    String displaycurrenttime;
    char Date[16];
    char Time[16];
    uint32_t currentFrequency; // For INA219 Current Sensor

    void setup() {
      pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(Auger, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(Mixer, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(Valve, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(Pump, OUTPUT);
      Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
      Blynk.config(auth, server, port);
      rtc.begin(); //RTC CLOCK BEGIN
      //**********************************************************************************************PWM SETTINGS****************************************************************************
      ledcAttachPin(Auger, 1);                                                        // assign Auger pin to channels
      ledcAttachPin(Mixer, 2);                                                        // assign Mixer pin to channels
      ledcSetup(1, 100000, 12);                                                       // 100 kHz PWM, 12-bit resolution
      ledcSetup(2, 100000, 12);
      timer.setInterval(10000, readTemp);
      timer.setInterval(30000, clockvalue);
      timer.setInterval(1000, UpTime);
      timer.setInterval(500, INA219);
      timer.setInterval(20000, Pumpon);
      timer.setInterval(70000, Valveon);

    void loop() {

    void Pumpon() {
      digitalWrite(Pump, HIGH);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, 1);
      timer.setTimeout(300, []() {
    digitalWrite(Pump, LOW);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, 0);

    void Valveon() {
      digitalWrite(Valve, HIGH); //Turn yellow LED on
      digitalWrite(Pump, HIGH); //Turn red LED on
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, 1);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, 1);
      timer.setTimeout(2000, []() {
    digitalWrite(Valve, LOW); //Turn yellow LED off
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, 0);
    digitalWrite(Pump, LOW);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, 0);

    void INA219() {
      shuntvoltage = ina219.getShuntVoltage_mV();
      busvoltage = ina219.getBusVoltage_V();
      current_mA = ina219.getCurrent_mA();
      loadvoltage = busvoltage + (shuntvoltage / 1000); // V
      power = (current_mA / 1000) * loadvoltage * 1000; // mW
      energy = energy + (power / 1000 / 1000);
      KiloJouleHour = ( power * 0.001 * 3.6);
      KiloJoule = (energy * 0.001 * 3.6);

      Blynk.virtualWrite(V10, current_mA * 0.001 );   //Convert from mA to Amps
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V11, busvoltage);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, loadvoltage);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V13, power * 0.001);  //Convert from mW to Watts
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V14, energy * 0.001);  //Convert from mWh to Wh
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V15, KiloJouleHour);  //Convert from mW to Watts
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V16, KiloJoule);  //Convert from mWh to Wh

    void readTemp()
      float floatTempA = sensorsA.getTempCByIndex(0);
      char A_buffer[15];
      dtostrf(floatTempA, 8, 9, A_buffer);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V20, A_buffer);
      float floatTempB = sensorsB.getTempCByIndex(1);
      char B_buffer[15];
      dtostrf(floatTempB, 8, 9, B_buffer);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V21, B_buffer);
      float floatTempC = sensorsC.getTempCByIndex(2);
      char C_buffer[15];
      dtostrf(floatTempC, 8, 9, C_buffer);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V22, C_buffer);
      float floatTempD = sensorsD.getTempCByIndex(3);
      char D_buffer[15];
      dtostrf(floatTempD, 8, 9, D_buffer);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V23, D_buffer);

    BLYNK_WRITE(V3)                                                                                       //slider in Virtual Pin 3 (0...4095)
      PWM_Auger = param.asInt();
      ledcWrite(1, PWM_Auger);                                                                            // write red component to channel 1, etc. 0-4095
      float voltage1 = map(PWM_Auger, 0, 4095, 0, 330);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, (voltage1) / 3.3);
    //********************************************************************************************* Mixer always on ***********************************************************************************
    BLYNK_WRITE(V5)                                                                                        //slider in Virtual Pin 5 (0...4095)
      PWM_Mixer = param.asInt();
      ledcWrite(2, PWM_Mixer);                                                                             // write red component to channel 1, etc. 0-4095
      float voltage2 = map(PWM_Mixer, 0, 4095, 0, 330);
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, voltage2 / 3.3);

    void clockvalue()
      int gmthour = hour();
      if (gmthour == 24) {
    gmthour = 0;
      String displayhour =   String(gmthour, DEC);
      int hourdigits = displayhour.length();
      if (hourdigits == 1) {
    displayhour = "0" + displayhour;
      String displayminute = String(minute(), DEC);
      int minutedigits = displayminute.length();
      if (minutedigits == 1) {
    displayminute = "0" + displayminute;
      displaycurrenttime = displayhour + ":" + displayminute;
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V40, displaycurrenttime);
    void UpTime()
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, millis() / 1000);  // Send UpTime seconds to App
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V31, (millis() / 1000) / 60); // Send UpTime minutes to App
      digitalWrite(DeviceLED, !digitalRead(DeviceLED));  // Blink onboard LED