Timeout reading values with blynk_ctrl.py

Dear All,

I have been working with Mikrocontrollers and sensors for a few years now and have started a small weather station with DHT22 and MS5607 as a prototype for a lab-datalogger.

My Problem:

I’d like to make a small display on my web page (own vserver) based on php/python. Unfortunately I don’t get any results using the blync_ctrl.py. The Token is submitted but any tries in reading my virtual pins lead to a timeout. The app readout for the same token/pins is working. Is thery any way of detailed debugging or are there any known issues ?

./blynk_ctrl.py --token=*** --delayAll=10 -vr 1 -vr 4 -vr 5 --dump
2016-03-11 09:14:50,711 < 2, 1,32 : ***
2016-03-11 09:14:50,811 < 16, 2, 4 : vr=1
2016-03-11 09:15:05,912 Data read timeout

Any ideas ?


Hello. Python client is outdated. We do not support reading commands anymore for hardware client. You need to ues “SYNC” command instead, but it not implemented in those python client. You can use javascript client instead if possible.

@vshymanskyy we need to do something with it. Either udpate to work with latest server, either remove.