TimeInput compilation error

Dear Sirs @Dmitriy,
I just tried your AdvancedTimeInput.ino example at my Windows 7, Arduino IDE 1.6.9 , Blynk library 0.8.3
No compalition possible. I got the following error. Why?

sketch_sep11a:39: error: ‘TimeInputParam’ was not declared in this scope

TimeInputParam t(param);

Please take latest library from github.

only the latest library or I need and the rest 2 that you normally have associate together?
Yesterday I asked you if the new version of Android Blynk need updated library and you told me that is ok. It is not ! :wink:

Sorry for confusion. My fail.

no problem of course.

Do I need also update to the rest libraries (ex SimpleTimer) ?

Don’t think so…