Time Input or Automations

Is there a reference for how to use the Time Input widget? I wish to read up to see if this is what I need. I’ve read through the Automations section, but am still fuzzy about how to use that. The pics suggest that maybe it is set up in the app and not the cloud dashboard, but maybe I could ignore all of that if the Time Input will do what I need.

What I need is to pull a device Dpin high once every 2 hours, and only for the duration of 30 seconds. I tried writing a millis function to do that, but failed and in my search for how to rectify that, I stumbled onto info about the Time Input widget and automations which lead me to believe maybe I could mitigate the need for the function. Sadly though, there is no easily findable reference for the Time Input widget, at least not in the 2.0 docs section. Perhaps it’s in the legacy Docs, I’ll go threre now and see.

Edit - I found the Time Input reference in the legacy Docs section, though sadly, the 3 example sketches that are linked are no longer in the Github repository as I get the 404 ERROR.

Check this example

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You should use a timeout timer…
