Time input and ZeRGBa for LED alarm clock

Hello everyone! I need some help with a project. I am not a coder and know next to nothing about it. I made a sunrise alarm clock to help me get out of bed in the early mornings. I found some code online but had a friend modify it so that I could use it with my phone through Blynk Legacy. As you know, when Blynk switched over, it no longer works. The light consists of 9 strips of both White and RGB LED’s, each set with its own power supply, connected to a NodeMCU-12e board with an ESP8266. I got my device connected to the new Blynk, and I did my best at trying to get it to work by copying and pasting the old code into the new format and changing the virtual pins where needed, but I was unsuccessful.

Here is what is current:

  • White Light Button (V13) - Simple on and off; works perfectly.
  • Reset Button (V12) - Turns all lights, or timing sequence off; works perfectly.
  • ZeRGBa (V11) - RGB lights turn on when I use the widget, but in no relation to the RGB values stated on the screen. And when I set to 0-0-0 they don’t turn off. The reset button does turn them off. Note: This is roughly what it did back when my sunrise sequence was working with Blynk Legacy. Since the sunrise was the most important thing to me, I didn’t bother trying to fix it, but would really love for this option to work.
  • Time input (V10) - This is the most important. When I use the widget to select a time, the sequence turns on immediately, which is great that the sequence “works”, but it wont turn on when I need it to, only when immediately interacting with the widget itself.

Can y’all please help me out? I’d love to get this working again. I spent 5 hours yesterday trying to get this to work and it makes me frustrated and tired, lol. I don’t understand code, and don’t think I ever will at this point. Many of your replies will fly over my head. If you could put them in layman’s terms that would be amazing. I am smart, so I can work my way through some things, but I also don’t know what I don’t know. If y’all can help me, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Here is the code I currently have on the device:


  This is a simple demo of sending and receiving some data.
  Be sure to check out other examples!

/* Fill-in information from Blynk Device Info here */
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID           "MytemplateID"
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME         "Mytemplatename"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN            "Mytoken"

#define PIN D2
#define NUM_WHITE_PIXELS 270
#define NUM_RGB_PIXELS 135
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#define PWM_RANGE_FULL 1024

//number of rows is 9 for both RGB and white LED's
#define NUM_ROWS 9

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <TimerEvent.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "Mynetwork";
char pass[] = "Mypassword";

// This function is called every time the device is connected to the Blynk.Cloud
  // Change Web Link Button message to "Congratulations!"
  Blynk.setProperty(V9, "offImageUrl", "https://static-image.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/general/fte/congratulations.png");
  Blynk.setProperty(V9, "onImageUrl",  "https://static-image.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/general/fte/congratulations_pressed.png");
  Blynk.setProperty(V9, "url", "https://docs.blynk.io/en/getting-started/what-do-i-need-to-blynk/how-quickstart-device-was-made");

// This function sends Arduino's uptime every second to Virtual Pin 8.
void myTimerEvent()
  // You can send any value at any time.
  // Please don't send more that 10 values per second.
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, millis() / 1000);

Adafruit_NeoPixel RGB_pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_RGB_PIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

const int timerInterval = 1600;
const int numFrames = 974;
const int white_offset = 300;
unsigned int count = 0;
bool active = false;
bool whites_on = false;

TimerEvent timer;

int sunrise[][3] = {
  {1, 1, 1},
  {1, 1, 0},
  {1, 1, 0},
  {1, 1, 2},
  {0, 1, 3},
  {0, 1, 2},
  {1, 1, 3},
  {1, 1, 6},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {1, 1, 7},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {1, 0, 8},
  {1, 0, 12},
  {1, 1, 13},
  {1, 1, 13},
  {2, 2, 15},
  {1, 1, 17},
  {1, 1, 16},
  {2, 2, 17},
  {2, 2, 18},
  {3, 2, 20},
  {3, 2, 18},
  {2, 1, 20},
  {3, 2, 22},
  {3, 2, 22},
  {3, 3, 24},
  {2, 2, 27},
  {2, 3, 29},
  {2, 3, 29},
  {2, 5, 30},
  {1, 3, 31},
  {1, 3, 31},
  {2, 5, 34},
  {2, 5, 36},
  {3, 5, 37},
  {3, 5, 39},
  {1, 5, 40},
  {0, 6, 42},
  {1, 6, 42},
  {2, 6, 44},
  {1, 6, 46},
  {2, 6, 48},
  {2, 6, 48},
  {3, 7, 50},
  {5, 7, 53},
  {5, 7, 54},
  {3, 7, 55},
  {3, 8, 56},
  {5, 8, 58},
  {5, 8, 59},
  {5, 7, 61},
  {5, 8, 63},
  {5, 8, 61},
  {3, 8, 63},
  {3, 8, 64},
  {5, 8, 66},
  {5, 8, 68},
  {6, 8, 69},
  {5, 7, 68},
  {5, 7, 69},
  {6, 8, 70},
  {6, 8, 70},
  {7, 10, 72},
  {7, 10, 73},
  {6, 8, 73},
  {7, 8, 74},
  {7, 8, 75},
  {7, 10, 78},
  {7, 10, 79},
  {6, 10, 80},
  {6, 10, 82},
  {6, 8, 80},
  {7, 10, 82},
  {7, 10, 83},
  {8, 11, 85},
  {7, 10, 84},
  {8, 11, 85},
  {8, 11, 88},
  {10, 12, 89},
  {10, 11, 89},
  {10, 11, 90},
  {8, 11, 92},
  {7, 11, 92},
  {7, 12, 93},
  {7, 13, 93},
  {8, 12, 96},
  {7, 11, 97},
  {7, 11, 96},
  {8, 12, 97},
  {8, 12, 99},
  {10, 13, 101},
  {10, 13, 99},
  {8, 12, 101},
  {10, 13, 102},
  {10, 12, 103},
  {11, 15, 103},
  {12, 16, 103},
  {11, 13, 104},
  {11, 13, 106},
  {12, 13, 109},
  {11, 13, 111},
  {11, 15, 112},
  {10, 13, 112},
  {10, 13, 112},
  {7, 12, 112},
  {8, 12, 111},
  {8, 15, 112},
  {10, 16, 114},
  {10, 16, 114},
  {10, 17, 113},
  {8, 17, 114},
  {8, 17, 113},
  {8, 17, 114},
  {8, 16, 112},
  {11, 16, 118},
  {13, 16, 120},
  {17, 17, 120},
  {18, 18, 120},
  {18, 18, 120},
  {10, 11, 118},
  {12, 13, 118},
  {35, 35, 118},
  {36, 36, 119},
  {36, 35, 118},
  {35, 35, 117},
  {38, 39, 127},
  {37, 37, 127},
  {37, 36, 125},
  {39, 37, 128},
  {40, 37, 129},
  {41, 37, 131},
  {41, 37, 133},
  {41, 36, 133},
  {41, 36, 135},
  {43, 37, 136},
  {44, 38, 138},
  {44, 38, 140},
  {44, 37, 140},
  {44, 36, 140},
  {45, 36, 139},
  {45, 36, 139},
  {45, 37, 140},
  {45, 38, 142},
  {47, 38, 143},
  {48, 38, 144},
  {49, 37, 145},
  {50, 38, 146},
  {50, 37, 147},
  {51, 39, 149},
  {51, 40, 149},
  {51, 39, 149},
  {52, 38, 151},
  {54, 38, 155},
  {55, 37, 157},
  {54, 37, 156},
  {55, 37, 157},
  {57, 38, 159},
  {57, 38, 160},
  {58, 38, 161},
  {59, 38, 161},
  {60, 38, 162},
  {60, 39, 163},
  {61, 39, 164},
  {63, 38, 165},
  {64, 38, 165},
  {64, 38, 165},
  {63, 38, 162},
  {64, 39, 161},
  {65, 39, 162},
  {65, 39, 164},
  {66, 39, 165},
  {68, 39, 166},
  {69, 39, 165},
  {68, 39, 165},
  {70, 39, 166},
  {70, 39, 168},
  {71, 40, 169},
  {71, 39, 169},
  {73, 39, 169},
  {73, 39, 170},
  {75, 38, 173},
  {75, 38, 174},
  {76, 38, 174},
  {77, 36, 175},
  {79, 35, 176},
  {79, 36, 176},
  {80, 35, 175},
  {81, 35, 175},
  {82, 35, 176},
  {82, 35, 177},
  {83, 34, 178},
  {85, 34, 177},
  {86, 33, 177},
  {86, 33, 178},
  {85, 33, 179},
  {85, 33, 180},
  {87, 33, 180},
  {87, 31, 181},
  {88, 30, 181},
  {88, 31, 180},
  {89, 29, 182},
  {91, 28, 183},
  {92, 27, 184},
  {94, 26, 183},
  {96, 25, 185},
  {96, 25, 184},
  {96, 25, 184},
  {96, 24, 185},
  {97, 24, 189},
  {98, 23, 190},
  {99, 22, 190},
  {100, 22, 188},
  {100, 21, 189},
  {100, 21, 189},
  {101, 19, 191},
  {102, 18, 191},
  {103, 16, 191},
  {104, 16, 191},
  {105, 14, 190},
  {106, 12, 191},
  {105, 13, 190},
  {106, 12, 192},
  {108, 10, 194},
  {108, 9, 196},
  {109, 9, 196},
  {110, 9, 195},
  {112, 8, 197},
  {113, 7, 197},
  {114, 6, 197},
  {115, 5, 197},
  {116, 4, 197},
  {117, 4, 197},
  {118, 3, 198},
  {118, 3, 198},
  {119, 3, 198},
  {120, 2, 199},
  {119, 0, 203},
  {119, 1, 204},
  {119, 1, 204},
  {122, 1, 204},
  {124, 0, 204},
  {124, 0, 204},
  {125, 0, 205},
  {128, 0, 205},
  {130, 0, 206},
  {131, 0, 206},
  {133, 0, 206},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {135, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {135, 0, 208},
  {136, 1, 209},
  {137, 1, 209},
  {138, 1, 210},
  {139, 1, 209},
  {139, 1, 211},
  {140, 1, 211},
  {140, 2, 211},
  {142, 1, 212},
  {142, 1, 213},
  {141, 2, 211},
  {141, 3, 208},
  {142, 2, 206},
  {142, 2, 206},
  {142, 3, 207},
  {144, 3, 208},
  {144, 2, 208},
  {145, 3, 208},
  {146, 4, 208},
  {148, 5, 208},
  {148, 6, 208},
  {149, 6, 209},
  {149, 6, 209},
  {149, 6, 209},
  {151, 8, 210},
  {156, 8, 209},
  {158, 8, 209},
  {157, 8, 210},
  {158, 9, 210},
  {159, 10, 211},
  {159, 11, 210},
  {160, 12, 210},
  {160, 12, 211},
  {161, 13, 212},
  {162, 13, 213},
  {162, 14, 212},
  {163, 14, 211},
  {163, 15, 212},
  {164, 16, 212},
  {166, 16, 211},
  {167, 17, 213},
  {167, 17, 213},
  {168, 18, 212},
  {169, 19, 213},
  {169, 20, 214},
  {170, 21, 215},
  {170, 21, 215},
  {171, 22, 214},
  {172, 23, 214},
  {172, 24, 215},
  {172, 24, 216},
  {172, 25, 216},
  {174, 25, 216},
  {177, 26, 216},
  {178, 25, 216},
  {179, 27, 216},
  {179, 27, 215},
  {180, 27, 215},
  {180, 27, 215},
  {181, 28, 215},
  {181, 29, 215},
  {182, 30, 217},
  {183, 31, 217},
  {184, 33, 217},
  {185, 34, 217},
  {185, 33, 217},
  {185, 34, 216},
  {185, 36, 215},
  {185, 38, 216},
  {186, 38, 217},
  {186, 38, 216},
  {187, 39, 215},
  {188, 40, 216},
  {189, 41, 217},
  {189, 42, 217},
  {190, 43, 217},
  {191, 43, 216},
  {191, 44, 217},
  {192, 46, 217},
  {192, 46, 217},
  {193, 47, 217},
  {194, 47, 219},
  {195, 48, 219},
  {195, 48, 218},
  {194, 49, 218},
  {196, 50, 219},
  {197, 50, 219},
  {199, 51, 219},
  {199, 51, 218},
  {200, 52, 218},
  {201, 53, 219},
  {203, 53, 219},
  {204, 54, 219},
  {205, 55, 219},
  {204, 56, 218},
  {204, 56, 216},
  {203, 57, 215},
  {204, 57, 215},
  {204, 58, 215},
  {205, 59, 215},
  {206, 59, 215},
  {208, 60, 215},
  {208, 60, 216},
  {209, 61, 216},
  {209, 61, 217},
  {211, 62, 217},
  {212, 61, 217},
  {212, 61, 217},
  {211, 62, 217},
  {212, 62, 217},
  {213, 63, 217},
  {214, 63, 218},
  {215, 63, 217},
  {215, 64, 214},
  {215, 64, 215},
  {217, 66, 214},
  {217, 66, 213},
  {218, 67, 213},
  {220, 67, 213},
  {220, 67, 211},
  {219, 68, 210},
  {220, 68, 209},
  {221, 69, 210},
  {221, 69, 212},
  {222, 69, 213},
  {223, 69, 212},
  {224, 69, 211},
  {226, 70, 209},
  {226, 70, 209},
  {227, 69, 208},
  {228, 69, 205},
  {229, 68, 204},
  {229, 67, 203},
  {231, 68, 200},
  {233, 68, 200},
  {233, 67, 199},
  {232, 68, 199},
  {232, 70, 200},
  {233, 71, 201},
  {233, 71, 200},
  {235, 69, 199},
  {236, 70, 196},
  {236, 70, 194},
  {237, 70, 193},
  {238, 70, 191},
  {239, 69, 190},
  {240, 69, 188},
  {241, 68, 187},
  {242, 69, 185},
  {242, 69, 186},
  {243, 68, 185},
  {244, 68, 183},
  {245, 67, 183},
  {247, 67, 182},
  {246, 67, 181},
  {247, 67, 179},
  {247, 67, 178},
  {248, 67, 176},
  {247, 67, 175},
  {248, 69, 173},
  {249, 69, 171},
  {250, 67, 169},
  {251, 67, 168},
  {251, 67, 168},
  {249, 68, 167},
  {247, 69, 166},
  {246, 69, 164},
  {247, 69, 164},
  {248, 69, 161},
  {249, 71, 159},
  {249, 71, 159},
  {249, 71, 158},
  {249, 71, 156},
  {249, 72, 153},
  {249, 71, 151},
  {250, 73, 149},
  {251, 72, 147},
  {251, 72, 147},
  {251, 72, 146},
  {250, 72, 142},
  {252, 73, 140},
  {252, 72, 139},
  {250, 73, 140},
  {252, 75, 138},
  {252, 75, 135},
  {252, 76, 132},
  {252, 77, 132},
  {252, 78, 131},
  {252, 78, 128},
  {253, 79, 126},
  {252, 79, 125},
  {252, 79, 125},
  {253, 80, 121},
  {254, 83, 113},
  {254, 84, 110},
  {254, 83, 109},
  {254, 84, 108},
  {255, 86, 105},
  {255, 87, 104},
  {255, 88, 100},
  {255, 90, 96},
  {254, 91, 93},
  {254, 91, 90},
  {255, 92, 88},
  {255, 94, 88},
  {255, 95, 87},
  {255, 95, 82},
  {255, 95, 76},
  {254, 96, 73},
  {254, 97, 72},
  {255, 98, 70},
  {255, 99, 64},
  {255, 100, 59},
  {255, 102, 56},
  {254, 104, 53},
  {255, 105, 50},
  {255, 106, 47},
  {255, 107, 45},
  {255, 107, 44},
  {255, 107, 44},
  {255, 110, 42},
  {253, 111, 38},
  {252, 113, 36},
  {252, 113, 35},
  {252, 114, 34},
  {253, 115, 32},
  {253, 117, 31},
  {252, 118, 29},
  {252, 118, 27},
  {252, 119, 25},
  {252, 119, 24},
  {253, 121, 23},
  {252, 123, 21},
  {252, 122, 21},
  {252, 123, 19},
  {252, 126, 15},
  {252, 128, 13},
  {252, 129, 13},
  {253, 128, 12},
  {253, 129, 11},
  {253, 131, 11},
  {252, 133, 9},
  {252, 132, 7},
  {253, 133, 5},
  {253, 134, 4},
  {254, 136, 3},
  {254, 137, 2},
  {254, 136, 1},
  {253, 137, 0},
  {252, 138, 2},
  {253, 140, 2},
  {253, 140, 1},
  {254, 140, 2},
  {253, 142, 2},
  {253, 143, 1},
  {254, 145, 0},
  {254, 146, 0},
  {253, 146, 0},
  {253, 147, 0},
  {254, 149, 0},
  {254, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 151, 0},
  {253, 154, 0},
  {253, 155, 0},
  {253, 156, 1},
  {253, 157, 1},
  {252, 158, 2},
  {251, 160, 2},
  {252, 161, 3},
  {252, 161, 4},
  {251, 162, 4},
  {251, 163, 5},
  {252, 164, 6},
  {253, 165, 7},
  {254, 165, 7},
  {253, 166, 9},
  {253, 168, 10},
  {253, 168, 11},
  {252, 170, 12},
  {252, 172, 13},
  {251, 173, 14},
  {252, 173, 15},
  {251, 174, 16},
  {250, 176, 17},
  {251, 177, 17},
  {252, 178, 19},
  {253, 179, 21},
  {253, 179, 21},
  {253, 179, 21},
  {254, 180, 23},
  {253, 182, 26},
  {253, 184, 27},
  {253, 186, 28},
  {253, 185, 30},
  {252, 187, 31},
  {252, 189, 31},
  {252, 190, 33},
  {253, 192, 37},
  {252, 193, 36},
  {253, 194, 39},
  {252, 194, 44},
  {252, 194, 46},
  {252, 195, 46},
  {251, 196, 47},
  {252, 198, 49},
  {252, 199, 50},
  {252, 200, 52},
  {252, 201, 54},
  {251, 202, 56},
  {251, 203, 59},
  {252, 205, 61},
  {251, 206, 63},
  {250, 207, 64},
  {251, 206, 64},
  {252, 208, 62},
  {253, 208, 62},
  {253, 209, 63},
  {254, 209, 64},
  {255, 211, 65},
  {255, 211, 66},
  {254, 212, 68},
  {254, 212, 70},
  {254, 213, 71},
  {254, 214, 71},
  {254, 214, 72},
  {253, 215, 74},
  {253, 215, 74},
  {254, 216, 75},
  {254, 218, 80},
  {255, 219, 83},
  {255, 218, 84},
  {255, 218, 84},
  {255, 219, 85},
  {255, 219, 86},
  {254, 220, 87},
  {254, 222, 88},
  {254, 223, 89},
  {254, 222, 91},
  {255, 223, 93},
  {255, 225, 95},
  {254, 225, 94},
  {254, 225, 95},
  {254, 227, 96},
  {253, 227, 97},
  {253, 226, 98},
  {254, 227, 99},
  {253, 229, 100},
  {253, 228, 101},
  {253, 229, 103},
  {253, 230, 103},
  {254, 231, 104},
  {254, 232, 105},
  {253, 233, 106},
  {254, 233, 108},
  {255, 232, 108},
  {254, 233, 109},
  {252, 234, 112},
  {252, 235, 113},
  {252, 235, 112},
  {253, 236, 114},
  {253, 237, 116},
  {253, 237, 116},
  {252, 238, 117},
  {252, 239, 118},
  {253, 240, 121},
  {253, 239, 122},
  {253, 239, 122},
  {253, 240, 122},
  {253, 240, 124},
  {253, 241, 124},
  {251, 244, 124},
  {252, 244, 124},
  {251, 244, 123},
  {252, 245, 124},
  {252, 246, 125},
  {252, 245, 127},
  {253, 246, 129},
  {253, 246, 130},
  {253, 247, 131},
  {253, 248, 132},
  {253, 248, 132},
  {253, 248, 132},
  {253, 248, 133},
  {253, 249, 136},
  {253, 248, 141},
  {252, 248, 143},
  {252, 248, 142},
  {253, 249, 142},
  {253, 250, 144},
  {253, 250, 145},
  {252, 251, 146},
  {252, 251, 146},
  {253, 251, 147},
  {253, 251, 147},
  {253, 252, 149},
  {252, 254, 149},
  {252, 253, 148},
  {252, 253, 149},
  {253, 254, 151},
  {253, 255, 152},
  {253, 255, 150},
  {253, 254, 152},
  {254, 255, 154},
  {254, 255, 154},
  {255, 255, 156},
  {255, 255, 159},
  {254, 255, 160},
  {254, 255, 161},
  {255, 254, 163},
  {255, 252, 164},
  {255, 252, 164},
  {254, 254, 163},
  {253, 254, 164},
  {253, 255, 164},
  {253, 255, 164},
  {253, 254, 165},
  {253, 254, 167},
  {253, 254, 168},
  {253, 254, 169},
  {253, 254, 171},
  {253, 254, 173},
  {253, 254, 174},
  {254, 254, 176},
  {254, 254, 177},
  {254, 254, 177},
  {253, 254, 176},
  {252, 254, 174},
  {251, 255, 174},
  {251, 255, 174},
  {251, 254, 174},
  {252, 255, 176},
  {252, 255, 179},
  {253, 255, 181},
  {253, 255, 183},
  {252, 255, 184},
  {252, 255, 184},
  {254, 255, 186},
  {253, 255, 186},
  {253, 255, 186},
  {253, 254, 187},
  {253, 254, 190},
  {253, 253, 192},
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  {253, 253, 193},
  {254, 253, 195},
  {254, 253, 195},
  {254, 253, 196},
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  {253, 252, 199},
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  {255, 255, 255},

void setup() {
  Blynk.begin("Mytoken", "Mynetwork", "Mypassword");

//Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_RGB_PIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

// Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
// The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
//uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {
//  if (WheelPos < 85) {
//    return strip.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);
//  } else if (WheelPos < 170) {
//    WheelPos -= 85;
//    return strip.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
//  } else {
//    WheelPos -= 170;
//    return strip.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);
//  }

  int r, g, b;
  int shift = param.asInt();
  if(shift < 85){
    r = shift*3;
    g = 255-shift*3;
    b = 0;
  }else if (shift < 170){
    shift -= 85;
    r = 255-shift*3;
    g = 0;
    b = shift * 3;
    shift -=170;
    r = 0;
    g = shift *3;
    b = 255- shift * 3;
  for (int i = 0; i < RGB_pixels.numPixels(); i++)
    RGB_pixels.setPixelColor(i, RGB_pixels.Color(r, g, b));
    // OR: strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel(((i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + shift) & 255));

//Just count
void changePixels(){
  if (count < numFrames) {
    if (count >= (numFrames-white_offset)){
      float level = (count - (numFrames-white_offset))/float(white_offset);
      if(level > 0.65){
        digitalWrite(14, HIGH);        
        digitalWrite(14, LOW);
    for (int i=0; i < RGB_pixels.numPixels(); i++){
      RGB_pixels.setPixelColor(i, RGB_pixels.Color(sunrise[count][0], sunrise[count][1], sunrise[count][2]));
  if (count == numFrames){
    digitalWrite(14, HIGH);
    active = false;

  if(active==true) {
    active = false;
  count =0;
  whites_on = false;

    digitalWrite(14, LOW);
    whites_on = false;
    whites_on = true;

    count = 0;  
    active = true;
    whites_on = true;
    timer.set(timerInterval, changePixels);

void loop() {
  if(active == true) timer.update();

That’s the wrong approach to take.
You’ve obviously used the QuickStart template, and left all of the QuickStart clutter in your sketch as well.

Post your original Legacy code, and (if it’s not obvious from the comments in that sketch) provide information about which type of widget is attached to each of the virtual pins used in your original sketch.


Considering I don’t know how to code, everything I do is all but guaranteed to be the wrong approach, hah. The reason I used the Quickstart template is that I couldn’t get the device to connect to any other template that I tried to create. Even the Quickstart template made from my Android phone wouldn’t connect. Only the Quickstart generated from the Blynk console on PC would connect, so I used that to add everything in. Plus, since I don’t know what I can and cannot delete, I left everything untouched except that which was conflicting.

The widgets in the legacy code are the same as stated above with different virtual pin numbers. I think the legacy Timer widget was called “Timer” while the new Blynk is called “Time input”. I have screenshots of the details of these older widgets.

  • White light button (V4) - Button widget Switch style.
  • Reset button (V3) - Button widget Push style.
  • ZeRGBa (V2) - ZeRGBa widget, advanced (“Merge” in Legacy): single input, not 3 separate for RGB. Reason being my RGB LED’s have a single signal wire to control the colors, not 3 for RGB.
  • Timer (V5) - Timer Widget

The Legacy code worked in this way - Timer event initialized on time and went through sequence as designed. The white light button and the reset button worked. The ZeRGBa widget would turn on the RGB LED’s but only at full brightness and not in any relation to the RGB values input on the widget.

Legacy code:

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <TimerEvent.h>

#define PIN D2
#define NUM_WHITE_PIXELS 270
#define NUM_RGB_PIXELS 135
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#define PWM_RANGE_FULL 1024

//number of rows is 9 for both RGB and white LED's
#define NUM_ROWS 9

Adafruit_NeoPixel RGB_pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_RGB_PIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

const int timerInterval = 1600;
const int numFrames = 974;
const int white_offset = 300;
unsigned int count = 0;
bool active = false;
bool whites_on = false;

TimerEvent timer;

int sunrise[][3] = {
  {1, 1, 1},
  {1, 1, 0},
  {1, 1, 0},
  {1, 1, 2},
  {0, 1, 3},
  {0, 1, 2},
  {1, 1, 3},
  {1, 1, 6},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {1, 1, 7},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {2, 1, 7},
  {1, 0, 8},
  {1, 0, 12},
  {1, 1, 13},
  {1, 1, 13},
  {2, 2, 15},
  {1, 1, 17},
  {1, 1, 16},
  {2, 2, 17},
  {2, 2, 18},
  {3, 2, 20},
  {3, 2, 18},
  {2, 1, 20},
  {3, 2, 22},
  {3, 2, 22},
  {3, 3, 24},
  {2, 2, 27},
  {2, 3, 29},
  {2, 3, 29},
  {2, 5, 30},
  {1, 3, 31},
  {1, 3, 31},
  {2, 5, 34},
  {2, 5, 36},
  {3, 5, 37},
  {3, 5, 39},
  {1, 5, 40},
  {0, 6, 42},
  {1, 6, 42},
  {2, 6, 44},
  {1, 6, 46},
  {2, 6, 48},
  {2, 6, 48},
  {3, 7, 50},
  {5, 7, 53},
  {5, 7, 54},
  {3, 7, 55},
  {3, 8, 56},
  {5, 8, 58},
  {5, 8, 59},
  {5, 7, 61},
  {5, 8, 63},
  {5, 8, 61},
  {3, 8, 63},
  {3, 8, 64},
  {5, 8, 66},
  {5, 8, 68},
  {6, 8, 69},
  {5, 7, 68},
  {5, 7, 69},
  {6, 8, 70},
  {6, 8, 70},
  {7, 10, 72},
  {7, 10, 73},
  {6, 8, 73},
  {7, 8, 74},
  {7, 8, 75},
  {7, 10, 78},
  {7, 10, 79},
  {6, 10, 80},
  {6, 10, 82},
  {6, 8, 80},
  {7, 10, 82},
  {7, 10, 83},
  {8, 11, 85},
  {7, 10, 84},
  {8, 11, 85},
  {8, 11, 88},
  {10, 12, 89},
  {10, 11, 89},
  {10, 11, 90},
  {8, 11, 92},
  {7, 11, 92},
  {7, 12, 93},
  {7, 13, 93},
  {8, 12, 96},
  {7, 11, 97},
  {7, 11, 96},
  {8, 12, 97},
  {8, 12, 99},
  {10, 13, 101},
  {10, 13, 99},
  {8, 12, 101},
  {10, 13, 102},
  {10, 12, 103},
  {11, 15, 103},
  {12, 16, 103},
  {11, 13, 104},
  {11, 13, 106},
  {12, 13, 109},
  {11, 13, 111},
  {11, 15, 112},
  {10, 13, 112},
  {10, 13, 112},
  {7, 12, 112},
  {8, 12, 111},
  {8, 15, 112},
  {10, 16, 114},
  {10, 16, 114},
  {10, 17, 113},
  {8, 17, 114},
  {8, 17, 113},
  {8, 17, 114},
  {8, 16, 112},
  {11, 16, 118},
  {13, 16, 120},
  {17, 17, 120},
  {18, 18, 120},
  {18, 18, 120},
  {10, 11, 118},
  {12, 13, 118},
  {35, 35, 118},
  {36, 36, 119},
  {36, 35, 118},
  {35, 35, 117},
  {38, 39, 127},
  {37, 37, 127},
  {37, 36, 125},
  {39, 37, 128},
  {40, 37, 129},
  {41, 37, 131},
  {41, 37, 133},
  {41, 36, 133},
  {41, 36, 135},
  {43, 37, 136},
  {44, 38, 138},
  {44, 38, 140},
  {44, 37, 140},
  {44, 36, 140},
  {45, 36, 139},
  {45, 36, 139},
  {45, 37, 140},
  {45, 38, 142},
  {47, 38, 143},
  {48, 38, 144},
  {49, 37, 145},
  {50, 38, 146},
  {50, 37, 147},
  {51, 39, 149},
  {51, 40, 149},
  {51, 39, 149},
  {52, 38, 151},
  {54, 38, 155},
  {55, 37, 157},
  {54, 37, 156},
  {55, 37, 157},
  {57, 38, 159},
  {57, 38, 160},
  {58, 38, 161},
  {59, 38, 161},
  {60, 38, 162},
  {60, 39, 163},
  {61, 39, 164},
  {63, 38, 165},
  {64, 38, 165},
  {64, 38, 165},
  {63, 38, 162},
  {64, 39, 161},
  {65, 39, 162},
  {65, 39, 164},
  {66, 39, 165},
  {68, 39, 166},
  {69, 39, 165},
  {68, 39, 165},
  {70, 39, 166},
  {70, 39, 168},
  {71, 40, 169},
  {71, 39, 169},
  {73, 39, 169},
  {73, 39, 170},
  {75, 38, 173},
  {75, 38, 174},
  {76, 38, 174},
  {77, 36, 175},
  {79, 35, 176},
  {79, 36, 176},
  {80, 35, 175},
  {81, 35, 175},
  {82, 35, 176},
  {82, 35, 177},
  {83, 34, 178},
  {85, 34, 177},
  {86, 33, 177},
  {86, 33, 178},
  {85, 33, 179},
  {85, 33, 180},
  {87, 33, 180},
  {87, 31, 181},
  {88, 30, 181},
  {88, 31, 180},
  {89, 29, 182},
  {91, 28, 183},
  {92, 27, 184},
  {94, 26, 183},
  {96, 25, 185},
  {96, 25, 184},
  {96, 25, 184},
  {96, 24, 185},
  {97, 24, 189},
  {98, 23, 190},
  {99, 22, 190},
  {100, 22, 188},
  {100, 21, 189},
  {100, 21, 189},
  {101, 19, 191},
  {102, 18, 191},
  {103, 16, 191},
  {104, 16, 191},
  {105, 14, 190},
  {106, 12, 191},
  {105, 13, 190},
  {106, 12, 192},
  {108, 10, 194},
  {108, 9, 196},
  {109, 9, 196},
  {110, 9, 195},
  {112, 8, 197},
  {113, 7, 197},
  {114, 6, 197},
  {115, 5, 197},
  {116, 4, 197},
  {117, 4, 197},
  {118, 3, 198},
  {118, 3, 198},
  {119, 3, 198},
  {120, 2, 199},
  {119, 0, 203},
  {119, 1, 204},
  {119, 1, 204},
  {122, 1, 204},
  {124, 0, 204},
  {124, 0, 204},
  {125, 0, 205},
  {128, 0, 205},
  {130, 0, 206},
  {131, 0, 206},
  {133, 0, 206},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {135, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {134, 0, 207},
  {135, 0, 208},
  {136, 1, 209},
  {137, 1, 209},
  {138, 1, 210},
  {139, 1, 209},
  {139, 1, 211},
  {140, 1, 211},
  {140, 2, 211},
  {142, 1, 212},
  {142, 1, 213},
  {141, 2, 211},
  {141, 3, 208},
  {142, 2, 206},
  {142, 2, 206},
  {142, 3, 207},
  {144, 3, 208},
  {144, 2, 208},
  {145, 3, 208},
  {146, 4, 208},
  {148, 5, 208},
  {148, 6, 208},
  {149, 6, 209},
  {149, 6, 209},
  {149, 6, 209},
  {151, 8, 210},
  {156, 8, 209},
  {158, 8, 209},
  {157, 8, 210},
  {158, 9, 210},
  {159, 10, 211},
  {159, 11, 210},
  {160, 12, 210},
  {160, 12, 211},
  {161, 13, 212},
  {162, 13, 213},
  {162, 14, 212},
  {163, 14, 211},
  {163, 15, 212},
  {164, 16, 212},
  {166, 16, 211},
  {167, 17, 213},
  {167, 17, 213},
  {168, 18, 212},
  {169, 19, 213},
  {169, 20, 214},
  {170, 21, 215},
  {170, 21, 215},
  {171, 22, 214},
  {172, 23, 214},
  {172, 24, 215},
  {172, 24, 216},
  {172, 25, 216},
  {174, 25, 216},
  {177, 26, 216},
  {178, 25, 216},
  {179, 27, 216},
  {179, 27, 215},
  {180, 27, 215},
  {180, 27, 215},
  {181, 28, 215},
  {181, 29, 215},
  {182, 30, 217},
  {183, 31, 217},
  {184, 33, 217},
  {185, 34, 217},
  {185, 33, 217},
  {185, 34, 216},
  {185, 36, 215},
  {185, 38, 216},
  {186, 38, 217},
  {186, 38, 216},
  {187, 39, 215},
  {188, 40, 216},
  {189, 41, 217},
  {189, 42, 217},
  {190, 43, 217},
  {191, 43, 216},
  {191, 44, 217},
  {192, 46, 217},
  {192, 46, 217},
  {193, 47, 217},
  {194, 47, 219},
  {195, 48, 219},
  {195, 48, 218},
  {194, 49, 218},
  {196, 50, 219},
  {197, 50, 219},
  {199, 51, 219},
  {199, 51, 218},
  {200, 52, 218},
  {201, 53, 219},
  {203, 53, 219},
  {204, 54, 219},
  {205, 55, 219},
  {204, 56, 218},
  {204, 56, 216},
  {203, 57, 215},
  {204, 57, 215},
  {204, 58, 215},
  {205, 59, 215},
  {206, 59, 215},
  {208, 60, 215},
  {208, 60, 216},
  {209, 61, 216},
  {209, 61, 217},
  {211, 62, 217},
  {212, 61, 217},
  {212, 61, 217},
  {211, 62, 217},
  {212, 62, 217},
  {213, 63, 217},
  {214, 63, 218},
  {215, 63, 217},
  {215, 64, 214},
  {215, 64, 215},
  {217, 66, 214},
  {217, 66, 213},
  {218, 67, 213},
  {220, 67, 213},
  {220, 67, 211},
  {219, 68, 210},
  {220, 68, 209},
  {221, 69, 210},
  {221, 69, 212},
  {222, 69, 213},
  {223, 69, 212},
  {224, 69, 211},
  {226, 70, 209},
  {226, 70, 209},
  {227, 69, 208},
  {228, 69, 205},
  {229, 68, 204},
  {229, 67, 203},
  {231, 68, 200},
  {233, 68, 200},
  {233, 67, 199},
  {232, 68, 199},
  {232, 70, 200},
  {233, 71, 201},
  {233, 71, 200},
  {235, 69, 199},
  {236, 70, 196},
  {236, 70, 194},
  {237, 70, 193},
  {238, 70, 191},
  {239, 69, 190},
  {240, 69, 188},
  {241, 68, 187},
  {242, 69, 185},
  {242, 69, 186},
  {243, 68, 185},
  {244, 68, 183},
  {245, 67, 183},
  {247, 67, 182},
  {246, 67, 181},
  {247, 67, 179},
  {247, 67, 178},
  {248, 67, 176},
  {247, 67, 175},
  {248, 69, 173},
  {249, 69, 171},
  {250, 67, 169},
  {251, 67, 168},
  {251, 67, 168},
  {249, 68, 167},
  {247, 69, 166},
  {246, 69, 164},
  {247, 69, 164},
  {248, 69, 161},
  {249, 71, 159},
  {249, 71, 159},
  {249, 71, 158},
  {249, 71, 156},
  {249, 72, 153},
  {249, 71, 151},
  {250, 73, 149},
  {251, 72, 147},
  {251, 72, 147},
  {251, 72, 146},
  {250, 72, 142},
  {252, 73, 140},
  {252, 72, 139},
  {250, 73, 140},
  {252, 75, 138},
  {252, 75, 135},
  {252, 76, 132},
  {252, 77, 132},
  {252, 78, 131},
  {252, 78, 128},
  {253, 79, 126},
  {252, 79, 125},
  {252, 79, 125},
  {253, 80, 121},
  {254, 83, 113},
  {254, 84, 110},
  {254, 83, 109},
  {254, 84, 108},
  {255, 86, 105},
  {255, 87, 104},
  {255, 88, 100},
  {255, 90, 96},
  {254, 91, 93},
  {254, 91, 90},
  {255, 92, 88},
  {255, 94, 88},
  {255, 95, 87},
  {255, 95, 82},
  {255, 95, 76},
  {254, 96, 73},
  {254, 97, 72},
  {255, 98, 70},
  {255, 99, 64},
  {255, 100, 59},
  {255, 102, 56},
  {254, 104, 53},
  {255, 105, 50},
  {255, 106, 47},
  {255, 107, 45},
  {255, 107, 44},
  {255, 107, 44},
  {255, 110, 42},
  {253, 111, 38},
  {252, 113, 36},
  {252, 113, 35},
  {252, 114, 34},
  {253, 115, 32},
  {253, 117, 31},
  {252, 118, 29},
  {252, 118, 27},
  {252, 119, 25},
  {252, 119, 24},
  {253, 121, 23},
  {252, 123, 21},
  {252, 122, 21},
  {252, 123, 19},
  {252, 126, 15},
  {252, 128, 13},
  {252, 129, 13},
  {253, 128, 12},
  {253, 129, 11},
  {253, 131, 11},
  {252, 133, 9},
  {252, 132, 7},
  {253, 133, 5},
  {253, 134, 4},
  {254, 136, 3},
  {254, 137, 2},
  {254, 136, 1},
  {253, 137, 0},
  {252, 138, 2},
  {253, 140, 2},
  {253, 140, 1},
  {254, 140, 2},
  {253, 142, 2},
  {253, 143, 1},
  {254, 145, 0},
  {254, 146, 0},
  {253, 146, 0},
  {253, 147, 0},
  {254, 149, 0},
  {254, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 150, 0},
  {253, 151, 0},
  {253, 154, 0},
  {253, 155, 0},
  {253, 156, 1},
  {253, 157, 1},
  {252, 158, 2},
  {251, 160, 2},
  {252, 161, 3},
  {252, 161, 4},
  {251, 162, 4},
  {251, 163, 5},
  {252, 164, 6},
  {253, 165, 7},
  {254, 165, 7},
  {253, 166, 9},
  {253, 168, 10},
  {253, 168, 11},
  {252, 170, 12},
  {252, 172, 13},
  {251, 173, 14},
  {252, 173, 15},
  {251, 174, 16},
  {250, 176, 17},
  {251, 177, 17},
  {252, 178, 19},
  {253, 179, 21},
  {253, 179, 21},
  {253, 179, 21},
  {254, 180, 23},
  {253, 182, 26},
  {253, 184, 27},
  {253, 186, 28},
  {253, 185, 30},
  {252, 187, 31},
  {252, 189, 31},
  {252, 190, 33},
  {253, 192, 37},
  {252, 193, 36},
  {253, 194, 39},
  {252, 194, 44},
  {252, 194, 46},
  {252, 195, 46},
  {251, 196, 47},
  {252, 198, 49},
  {252, 199, 50},
  {252, 200, 52},
  {252, 201, 54},
  {251, 202, 56},
  {251, 203, 59},
  {252, 205, 61},
  {251, 206, 63},
  {250, 207, 64},
  {251, 206, 64},
  {252, 208, 62},
  {253, 208, 62},
  {253, 209, 63},
  {254, 209, 64},
  {255, 211, 65},
  {255, 211, 66},
  {254, 212, 68},
  {254, 212, 70},
  {254, 213, 71},
  {254, 214, 71},
  {254, 214, 72},
  {253, 215, 74},
  {253, 215, 74},
  {254, 216, 75},
  {254, 218, 80},
  {255, 219, 83},
  {255, 218, 84},
  {255, 218, 84},
  {255, 219, 85},
  {255, 219, 86},
  {254, 220, 87},
  {254, 222, 88},
  {254, 223, 89},
  {254, 222, 91},
  {255, 223, 93},
  {255, 225, 95},
  {254, 225, 94},
  {254, 225, 95},
  {254, 227, 96},
  {253, 227, 97},
  {253, 226, 98},
  {254, 227, 99},
  {253, 229, 100},
  {253, 228, 101},
  {253, 229, 103},
  {253, 230, 103},
  {254, 231, 104},
  {254, 232, 105},
  {253, 233, 106},
  {254, 233, 108},
  {255, 232, 108},
  {254, 233, 109},
  {252, 234, 112},
  {252, 235, 113},
  {252, 235, 112},
  {253, 236, 114},
  {253, 237, 116},
  {253, 237, 116},
  {252, 238, 117},
  {252, 239, 118},
  {253, 240, 121},
  {253, 239, 122},
  {253, 239, 122},
  {253, 240, 122},
  {253, 240, 124},
  {253, 241, 124},
  {251, 244, 124},
  {252, 244, 124},
  {251, 244, 123},
  {252, 245, 124},
  {252, 246, 125},
  {252, 245, 127},
  {253, 246, 129},
  {253, 246, 130},
  {253, 247, 131},
  {253, 248, 132},
  {253, 248, 132},
  {253, 248, 132},
  {253, 248, 133},
  {253, 249, 136},
  {253, 248, 141},
  {252, 248, 143},
  {252, 248, 142},
  {253, 249, 142},
  {253, 250, 144},
  {253, 250, 145},
  {252, 251, 146},
  {252, 251, 146},
  {253, 251, 147},
  {253, 251, 147},
  {253, 252, 149},
  {252, 254, 149},
  {252, 253, 148},
  {252, 253, 149},
  {253, 254, 151},
  {253, 255, 152},
  {253, 255, 150},
  {253, 254, 152},
  {254, 255, 154},
  {254, 255, 154},
  {255, 255, 156},
  {255, 255, 159},
  {254, 255, 160},
  {254, 255, 161},
  {255, 254, 163},
  {255, 252, 164},
  {255, 252, 164},
  {254, 254, 163},
  {253, 254, 164},
  {253, 255, 164},
  {253, 255, 164},
  {253, 254, 165},
  {253, 254, 167},
  {253, 254, 168},
  {253, 254, 169},
  {253, 254, 171},
  {253, 254, 173},
  {253, 254, 174},
  {254, 254, 176},
  {254, 254, 177},
  {254, 254, 177},
  {253, 254, 176},
  {252, 254, 174},
  {251, 255, 174},
  {251, 255, 174},
  {251, 254, 174},
  {252, 255, 176},
  {252, 255, 179},
  {253, 255, 181},
  {253, 255, 183},
  {252, 255, 184},
  {252, 255, 184},
  {254, 255, 186},
  {253, 255, 186},
  {253, 255, 186},
  {253, 254, 187},
  {253, 254, 190},
  {253, 253, 192},
  {253, 254, 192},
  {253, 253, 193},
  {254, 253, 195},
  {254, 253, 195},
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  {253, 252, 199},
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void setup() {
  Blynk.begin("MyToken", "MyNetwork", "MyPassword");

//Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_RGB_PIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

// Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
// The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
//uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {
//  if (WheelPos < 85) {
//    return strip.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);
//  } else if (WheelPos < 170) {
//    WheelPos -= 85;
//    return strip.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
//  } else {
//    WheelPos -= 170;
//    return strip.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);
//  }

  int r, g, b;
  int shift = param.asInt();
  if(shift < 85){
    r = shift*3;
    g = 255-shift*3;
    b = 0;
  }else if (shift < 170){
    shift -= 85;
    r = 255-shift*3;
    g = 0;
    b = shift * 3;
    shift -=170;
    r = 0;
    g = shift *3;
    b = 255- shift * 3;
  for (int i = 0; i < RGB_pixels.numPixels(); i++)
    RGB_pixels.setPixelColor(i, RGB_pixels.Color(r, g, b));
    // OR: strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel(((i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + shift) & 255));

//Just count
void changePixels(){
  if (count < numFrames) {
    if (count >= (numFrames-white_offset)){
      float level = (count - (numFrames-white_offset))/float(white_offset);
      if(level > 0.65){
        digitalWrite(14, HIGH);        
        digitalWrite(14, LOW);
    for (int i=0; i < RGB_pixels.numPixels(); i++){
      RGB_pixels.setPixelColor(i, RGB_pixels.Color(sunrise[count][0], sunrise[count][1], sunrise[count][2]));
  if (count == numFrames){
    digitalWrite(14, HIGH);
    active = false;

  if(active==true) {
    active = false;
  count =0;
  whites_on = false;

    digitalWrite(14, LOW);
    whites_on = false;
    whites_on = true;

    count = 0;  
    active = true;
    whites_on = true;
    timer.set(timerInterval, changePixels);

void loop() {
  if(active == true) timer.update();

That’s why I created this guide…

I’d suggest that you delete your QuickStart template & devices and create a new template and add-I, the same virtual datastreams you’ve listed above. Take care with the min/max values for these, and the data types.
The ZeRGBa datastream type should be String if you are using Advanced/Combine mode.

Then create a device based on your template and copy the 3 lines of condo data from the web console and paste it at the VERY TOP of your sketch.

Change this line…


Blynk.begin(BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, "MyNetwork", "MyPassword");

Set-up your mobile dashboard and test.

I suspect that the ZeRGBa bit of the code will need some work, but I don’t have time to get into that bit just now.


I will take some time and digest what you’ve suggested, and read your article. I greatly appreciate your help Pete, thank you!

  • Joel