Terminal widget in Nexus 9

My Blynk app version is 2.15.2
App install on Nexus 9.
My device send long message…

(P.S. Nexus 5 work fine.)

Hello. Could you please explain what is wrong on this screen and what exactly had you send?

On my Nexus 5.

My device use blynk library.

WidgetTerminal console(101);

Is your device running nodejs and precisely what is your device, a Raspberry Pi / clone perhaps?

@BlynkAndroidDev FYI.

No, my device is Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266).
Mobile phone & tablet install Blynk app.
I send config= to get config, then my device send long message.
Blynk app get that.
But on arduino console, this message is okay (same string).

Oh I use local server 0.27.2.
But I don’t known this is who’s (library? server? app?) issue.

Are you using the Arduino IDE or another IDE?

What does console (Serial Monitor) show?