Terminal not Sending Data

I don’t seem to get data using BLYNK_WRITE() to be honest it doesnt seem that this macro gets called ever when using the terminal. I am using the Particle Photon aquiring the official Blynk library & Note 4 running Android 6.0.1

here is my “simplyfied” example

#define VPIN_TERMINAL 13
WidgetTerminal terminal(13);   
String termInBuf = "";

   termInBuf = param.asStr();
   Blynk.notify("Received Terminal Command");

void setup()
   [...] all the blynk auth stuff & some other things
void loop()

Now when i run the project the terminal does nothing however if i put terminal.print("something")
in the loop it sure as well prints something

Have you tried the terminal example sketch from Blynk library?