Tags implementation

Hi i have a small question on how to use tags , as i unfortunately i haven’t found the Docs in that case useful for me - it always was very useful


Tags feature allows you to group multiple devices. Tags are very useful in case you want to control few devices with 1 widget. For example, imagine a case when you have 3 smart bulbs and you want to turn on all those bulbs with one single click. You need to assign 3 devices to 1 tag and assign tag to button. That’s it.
Tag widgets also support state syncing. So you can get state of widget from your hardware. However you can’t update state of such widgets from hardware. 

i have searched for the old posts for tags i didn’t find what i was searching for.
here is t

here is My Blynk Home automation digram

the current setup is every node has 3 relays every relay is attached to a Virtual pin
the questions is?

  • how can i add a group of virtual pins to a Tag ?

  • can one virtual pin has Multi Tags like one Virtual pin is belong to the Lights tag and also to livingRoom Tag? so i can have a button that switches all the Lights On/Off and another button that will switch the group belong to livinRoom Tag On/Off ?

  • can Tags alos exposes to the restful API so instade of calling the server multiple time to switch a group of Virtual pins we can change the value of the Tag directly.


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Hello. Good questions.

You can’t. Tags are group of devices.

No. This is general Blynk limitation. Only 1 widget per 1 pin. Someday we will fix it.

can Tags alos exposes to the restful API so instade of calling the server multiple time to switch a group of Virtual pins we can change the value of the Tag directly.

Not implemented and not in plans.

thanks @Dmitriy for your replay , i can’t be sad with all the great thing but only one feature is missing.
any chance for adding the Web sockets and MQTT Docs so i can keep node red in in the middle to tweak things without the need to code and re-flash - or OTA - the actual Hardware.

Have you seen https://github.com/tzapu/node-red-contrib-blynk-websockets ?

of course yes , i used it long time back and i used to have a problem with any change in node red and update it cause the entire dashboard to disconnect and reconnect again and , as i have read here in the forum before that Alex @tzapulica has stopped the developing of that great node , i hope i was able to update and maintain it but unfortunately it’s beyond my knowledge.