I want to use switch as a trigger for call using blynk and IFTTT service can anyone please tell me how to do something like this .Whenever switch is pressed app displays switch is pressed and call or message defined contact
search the forum you will find alot of IFTTT integration examples , but keep in your mind that IFTTT has a long delay to execute any task .
I know that but I want to trigger IFTTT when button is pressed so can you be specific how to do so
This forum is not really meant as a code factory… we try to encourage your own learning to make and use your Blynk projects, not simply asking for what others can give you.
You can do this without iftt. Try Telegram. Create a bot. Connect to that bot through Telegram mobile app. Send message to connected client through that bot with your module running blynk (Use telegram api)
Your http request must similar to this. Change XXXbotidXXX and XXXchatidXXX with yours.