Support for nRF51 DK Boards

Has anyone tried to use the Blynk libraries on a Nordic development kit? I’m specifically going to use the nRF51 DK this weekend, but I haven’t seen anything on this website that suggests compatibility. I can’t imagine that it would be compatible, but it would be great!

I ask this because although I am prototyping with an Arduino ZERO, I will need to migrate to the nRF51 series eventually for more realistic prototype and circuit testing and realistic product packaging, but I want to use Blynk when presenting the product.


We support nRF51, through Arduino or MBED frameworks.
However, we provide consultancy about these boards only for businesses.

Thanks Volodymyr.

It looks like the MBED library is a copy of the Arduino examples, and that some custom development is necessary to interface Blynk to specific hardware. Is this correct?

There isn’t any business behind this yet, but we’ll see what the future holds.

Nevermind, I just stumbled across your porting guide. Should be good enough to get me started.

Can you please provide the link to the porting guide? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
I’m also interested in running Blynk on nrf51/52 boards directly, without Arduino or MBED frameworks. I will try to implement the bare C library myself if I won’t find anything.

Let me know if if you need any help.
You probably don’t need to re-write the library, just compile it for your hardware and implement BLE interface