Superchart doesnt take over colors from e.g. Blynk.setProperty(V41, “color”, “#ffb600”);

Hi Dimitriy, there seems to be a bug: Superchart doesnt take over colors from e.g. Blynk.setProperty(V41, “color”, “#ffb600”);
It works for sliders, buttons etc but not for Superchart…

Pleas don’t open old topics… things change after two years :wink:

SuperChart is NOT just a renamed History Graph Widget (which is now defunct)… it will require another widget assigned to a vPin in order to record that widgets data over time. Thus the setProperty will probably only change the primary widget, not the SuperChart repeater.

I am unsure of the SuperChart colours where ever designed to be duplicated from the “source” widget or not, as it is more like a seperate repeater with seperate display options… of course, I can’t say I have ever tried to change my SuperChart colors programmatically.

If you haven’t already setup a separate widget for each vPin in your SuperChart… try it and see if it does make a difference or not.

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Hi, sorry for opening an old topic and thank you for you reply.

For my understandiung you define a color for a virtual pin and every slider,button, graph etc. connected to this virtual pin uses this color property.

In my GUI it worked for everything except the superchart. But why would you make a difference here? It is connected to a virtual pin as anything else.

“I” didn’t make it… the Blynk developers did :wink:

My guess is, as I already stated, because the SuperChart is meant as a repeater/recorder of a pre-existing widget.

Thus, since it is a separate widget that just happens to record another “source” widgets vPin data, it uses its own dedicated colouring scheme for the graphing purposes, as many may want independent colouring between the “source” widget and its corresponding graph… I know I sometimes do.

And for some unknown but probably technical reason, neither the SuperChart coloring, or any other setup features in it, are programmatically adjustable.