Sum or average vpin values from three identical devices

I have three solar backup batteries. All are running the same code and all are online using the same template. That’s all good. Now, I need to be able to see calculated metrics that combine all three, on a widget. The specific metrics that I need to show are

  1. total amp hours remaining. This is just the sum of the value from the same Vpin from all three batteries.
  2. Average state of charge [soc] . This is just the average of the soc for the three batteries - same Vpin on all three devices.

This is a crucial part of the project because in order to determine the facility’s power state, customers should be required to run a calculation manually while having to switch between devices (batteries).

Is this possible? Please direct me to the appropriate documentation.

Hello. This is possible but available only for Business clients. It is called Rule Engine. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have UI, so that’s why it is not in public.

business as in white label or pro?

White Label.


PeteKnight created some code that allows you to transfer data to another Blynk device(s).

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I read some about bridge functions and similar stuff. But, they all depend on a device being the hub for the data so that one device can send the data Blynk and essentially get around the Blynk limitation. It makes for terrible architecture that’s brittle. I’m not about to buy white label just to develop something simple like this… heck, we were looking at Blynk for the prod release and actually getting white label! But, this is such a turn off. I’m looking at more flexible solutions that could integrate with Blynk. I do like a lot of other stuff it has to offer