Sparkfun Blynk Board + WS2812B + Washer Dryer alarm

I tried using the WS2812B RGB breakout board on the sparkfun blynk board with the washer/dryer alarm code downloaded on to the board. I connected the WS2812B on to the 3 pin expansion slot provided by the blynk board, but the WS2812B RGB does not light up. How do I get this to work?

The board supplier (Sparkfun) would be able to help you with that.

is there any errors the arduino IDE shows?
show me your code.

there are no errors, but this is the code that is used

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <Wire.h> // Must include Wire library for I2C
#include <SparkFun_MMA8452Q.h> // Includes the SFE_MMA8452Q library
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

// WiFi //
////////// // Enter your WiFi credentials here:
const char WiFiSSID[] = “WiFiNetworkName”;
const char WiFiPSWD[] = “WiFiPassword”;

// Blynk //
/////////// // Your Blynk auth token here
const char BlynkAuth[] = “0a1b2c3d4e5f”;
bool notifyFlag = false;
#define VIRTUAL_LCD V4
bool pushEnabled = false;
void printLaundryTime(void);

// Shake Detection //
unsigned int shakeThreshold = 50;
unsigned int shakeStartTimeHysteresis = 1000;
unsigned int shakeStopTimeHysteresis = 10;
unsigned long shakeStateChangeTime = 0;
unsigned long shakeStartTime = 0;
bool loadTimer = true;

enum {
NO_SHAKING_LONG, // Haven’t been shaking for a long time
NO_SHAKING, // Hasn’t been any shaking
PRE_SHAKING, // Started shaking, pre-hysteresis
SHAKING, // Currently shaking
POST_SHAKING // Stopped shaking, pre-hysteresis
} shakingState = NO_SHAKING;

// Possible return values from the shake sensor
enum sensorShakeReturn {
sensorShakeReturn checkShake(void);
void shakeLoop(void);

// MMA8452Q Accelerometer //
MMA8452Q accel;
int16_t lastX, lastY, lastZ;
void initAccel(void);

// Hardware Definitions //
const int LED_PIN = 5;
const int RGB_PIN = 4;
Adafruit_NeoPixel rgb = Adafruit_NeoPixel(1, RGB_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
void setLED(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);

void setup()

digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off blue LED
rgb.begin(); // Set up WS2812
initAccel(); // Set up accelerometer
setLED(0, 0, 32); // LED blue

// Initialize Blynk, and wait for a connection before doing anything else
Serial.println(“Connecting to WiFi and Blynk”);
Blynk.begin(BlynkAuth, WiFiSSID, WiFiPSWD);
while (!Blynk.connected());
Serial.println(“Blynk connected! Laundry monitor starting.”);
setLED(0, 32, 0); // LED green

void loop()
shakeLoop(); // Check if we’re shaking, and update variables accordingly; // Blynk run as much as possible

bool firstConnect = true;
if (firstConnect) // When we first connect to Blynk
// Two options here. Either sync values from phone to Blynk Board:
//Blynk.syncAll(); // Uncomment to enable.
// Or set phone variables to default values of the globals:
Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_SHAKE_THRESHOLD, shakeThreshold);
Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_STOP_TIME, shakeStopTimeHysteresis);
Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_START_TIME, shakeStartTimeHysteresis);
Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_ENABLE_PUSH, pushEnabled);

// Print a splash screen:
lcd.print(0, 0, "Laundry Monitor ");
lcd.print(0, 1, "     Ready      ");


int enable = param.asInt();
if (enable > 0)
pushEnabled = true;
Serial.println(“Push notification enabled”);
pushEnabled = false;
Serial.println(“Push notification disabled”);

int inputThreshold = param.asInt();

shakeThreshold = constrain(inputThreshold, 1, 2048);

Serial.println("Shake threshold set to: " + String(shakeThreshold));

int inputStartTime = param.asInt();

if (inputStartTime <= 0) inputStartTime = 1;
shakeStartTimeHysteresis = inputStartTime;

Serial.println(“Shake start time set to: " + String(shakeStartTimeHysteresis) + " ms”);

int inputStopTime = param.asInt();

if (inputStopTime <= 0) inputStopTime = 1;
shakeStopTimeHysteresis = inputStopTime;

Serial.println(“Shake stop time set to: " + String(shakeStopTimeHysteresis) + " seconds”);

void printLaundryTime(void)
unsigned long runTime = millis() - shakeStartTime;
int runSeconds = (runTime / 1000) % 60;
int runMinutes = ((runTime / 1000) / 60) % 60;
int runHours = ((runTime / 1000) / 60 ) / 60;

// Create a string like HHHH:MM:SS
String runTimeString = " " + String(runHours) + “:”;
if (runMinutes < 10) runTimeString += “0”; // Leading 0 minutes
runTimeString += String(runMinutes) + “:”;
if (runSeconds < 10) runTimeString += “0”; // Leading 0 seconds
runTimeString += String(runSeconds);

// Fill out the rest of the string to 16 chars
int lineLength = runTimeString.length();
for (int i=lineLength; i<16; i++)
runTimeString += " ";

if (shakingState == PRE_SHAKING)
lcd.print(0, 0, “Laundry starting”);
else if (shakingState == SHAKING)
lcd.print(0, 0, "Laundry running ");
else if (shakingState == NO_SHAKING)
lcd.print(0, 0, “Laundry stopping”);
else if (shakingState == NO_SHAKING_LONG)
lcd.print(0, 0, "Laundry done! ");
lcd.print(0, 1, runTimeString);

void shakeLoop(void)
sensorShakeReturn sensorState = checkShake();
if (sensorState == SENSOR_SHAKING) // If the sensor is shaking
switch (shakingState)
case NO_SHAKING: // If we haven’t been shaking
setLED(32, 0, 32); // LED purple
shakingState = PRE_SHAKING; // Set mode to pre-shaking
shakeStateChangeTime = millis(); // Log state change time
if (loadTimer)
loadTimer = false;
shakeStartTime = millis(); // Log time we started shaking
case PRE_SHAKING: // If we’re pre-hysteresis shaking
if (millis() - shakeStateChangeTime >= shakeStartTimeHysteresis)
{ // If we’ve passed hysteresis time
shakingState = SHAKING; // Set mode to shaking
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn blue LED on
notifyFlag = true; // Flag that we need to notify when shaking stops
setLED(32, 0, 0); // LED red
case SHAKING: // If we’re already shaking
printLaundryTime(); // Update laundry timer
break; // Do nothing
case POST_SHAKING: // If we didn’t stop shaking before hysteresis
shakingState = SHAKING; // Go back to shaking
else if (sensorState == SENSOR_NOT_SHAKING) // If the sensor is not shaking
switch (shakingState)
case NO_SHAKING_LONG: // If we haven’t been shaking for a long time
break; // Do nothing
case NO_SHAKING: // If we haven’t been shaking
if (millis() - shakeStateChangeTime >= (shakeStopTimeHysteresis * 1000))
{ // Check if it’s been a long time
setLED(0, 32, 0); // Turn LED green
shakingState = NO_SHAKING_LONG;
if (notifyFlag == true) // If notify flag was set during shaking
loadTimer = true;
printLaundryTime(); // Update LCD
notifyFlag = false; // Clear notify flag
if (pushEnabled) // If push is enabled
Blynk.notify(“Washer/dryer is done!”); // Notify!
case PRE_SHAKING: // If we’re pre-hysteresis shaking
shakingState = NO_SHAKING; // Go back to no shaking
setLED(0, 32, 0);
case SHAKING: // If we’re already shaking
shakingState = POST_SHAKING; // Go to hysteresis cooldown
shakeStateChangeTime = millis();
break; // Do nothing
case POST_SHAKING: // If we’re in the shake cooldown state
if (millis() - shakeStateChangeTime >= shakeStartTimeHysteresis)
digitalWrite(5, LOW); // LED off
shakingState = NO_SHAKING;
setLED(32, 16, 0);

sensorShakeReturn checkShake(void)
static unsigned long lastShakeCheck = 0;
float shake = 0;
if (accel.available()) // If new accel data is available
int16_t x, y, z;; // read the data in
x = accel.x;
y = accel.y;
z = accel.z;

// To determine if we're shaking, compare the sum of
// x,y,z accels to the sum of the previous accels.
shake = abs(x + y + z - lastX - lastY - lastZ);

// Write the value to Blynk:
Blynk.virtualWrite(VIRTUAL_SHAKE_VALUE, shake);

// Update previous values:
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
lastZ = z;

else // If sensore didn’t have new data
{ // Return not ready
// If shake value exceeded threshold
if (shake >= shakeThreshold)
return SENSOR_SHAKING; // Return “shaking”
return SENSOR_NOT_SHAKING; // Or return “not shaking”

void initAccel(void)
// Use a slow update rate to throttle the shake sensor.
// ODR_6 will set the accelerometer’s update rate to 6Hz
// Use +/-2g scale – the lowest – to get most sensitivity
accel.init(SCALE_2G, ODR_6); // Initialize accelerometer

while (!accel.available()) // Wait for data to be available
yield(); // Let the system do other things; // Read data from accel
lastX = accel.x; // Initialize last values
lastY = accel.y;
lastZ = accel.z;

void setLED(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
rgb.setPixelColor(0, rgb.Color(red, green, blue));;