Sparkfun Blynk Board Reconfigure Not working

Hello. Im having an issue related to reconfiguring the sparkfun blynk board. The standalone board.

I cannot get it to broadcast its wifi Blynk Me to reconfigure.
I have uploaded a few other sketches with success and all is well with the app etc. Turning pins high low etc.
I would like to be able to hold the zero button and reset it that way instead of using the arduino IDE to input wifi details etc.
Is there a way to revert it to its original state as I assume once I uploaded new code it wiped the factory preset?? no??

Iv reuploaded the Template esp8266 sketch and its blinking in this state

case MODE_WAIT_CONFIG: return beatLED(COLOR_BLUE, (int[]){ 50, 500 });

I cannot seem to get it into AP mode.

Am I missing a trick here? or could you help me out.

Please post your Serial Monitor logs (speed 115200)

[843] Hardware v1.0.0
[843] Firmware v1.0.1
[1344] AP SSID: Our Product
[1344] AP IP:
[1345] AP URL:

See, it looks OK

Maybe, But as I mentioned above. It is not broadcasting. When I go to find the BlynkMe wifi signal, there is none. If I hold down for 4 seconds it blinks white quick, If released it goes back to quick blink blue. If I hold down for longer the led goes blank completely.

Whoops. “our product” is the name of the board. I was Looking for BlynkMexxxx to join.

All is well. And working.


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Yes, that’s the point :wink: