[SOLVED] How to remove old server traces? token_mail_body edit didn't save changes?

Hi everybody;
i was running my 0.16.4 server version on Windows 10 for almost a month and it was OK,and i want to upgrade to new Ver. 0.17.0 ; so i decided to remove the old one and start it all from the beginning (as i don’t need old projects & user accounts) ,so i remove the old files and put the new Ver. in a new folder path and then i just run the server AND I FOUND I STILL HAVE THE OLD SERVER CONFIGURATION WITH THE SAME ACCOUNTS & PROJECTS !!! :scream:
what i do to remove all the traces of the old Ver. 0.16.4 ???

Also i have two pb in both old & new version ,firstly when i change the the token_mail_body and then i save the changes i notice that nothing changed & the server didn’t save the new mail body !!
Secondly, when i click on mail.properities or gcm.properities or db.properities or twitter4j.properities i received an error msg “State change error:undefined” so what’s the problem ?

You need to remove files that were created in folder -dataFolder that you specified during server start.

Only few specific properties are allowed to be changed. This view is mostly for checking current server configs.

I removed all the files and i launched the new Ver. 0.17.0 in a new different directory ??!!
what about changing the token mail body??

You should be able to do that via admin panel.

I made it many time but in vain :pensive: the server don’t save the changes !!!
even after restarting it !!

@JohnNassiem technically the term would be stop and restart. Restarting gives the impression you are starting up the server, but if you haven’t stopped the server you will have 2 instances of the server running and still be connected to the one without the token mail body changes.

If it’s not this then it is likely to be a mix up with folders.

i mean STOPPING it and then RESTARTING it again :smile: but in vain the mail body didn’t changed …

for the issue of user accounts & config : before i install and run the new one V.0.17.0 i removed the old V.0.16.4 from it’s directory & installs the new one in a new different directory.

What command are you using to start “17”?

my directory>java -jar server-0.17.0.jar -dataFolder /path

and you have server.properties and mail.properties in “my directory”?

@Costas YES …

@Costas @Dmitriy i stopped my server then i removed all it’s directory files and then i launched a new server in new a directory ,but problem still persists :sob:
is the server keeps it’s values on a system file not included in it’s directory or what?

I suppose this is exactly what you typing during server run. If so - you need to put here real path to folder, like :

-dataFolder /tmp/my_blynk_project

If you point to non-existing path like in case above yout profiles are stored in temp dir. Url to temp dir you can find in server log - blynk.log.

Looks like a “feature”.

I haven’t moved to 17 as I like others to find the bugs before I move :grinning:
With 16.4 the token always came up with reference to 16.3. Changing it with admin panel without a server stop and restart shows the new “16.4” but send outs the token with “16.3”. Stop and restart shows “16.3” too.

Upgraded to 17 with a “tweak” for the token feature.

@Dmitriy Yes i got it i directed the -dataFolder to a specific folder and user accounts issue solved :grinning:

but the token body mail problem still persists and it still sending by the old Ver.0.16.4
@Costas take a look

@JohnNassiem you are not running version 17 of the server because that does send the correct token details.

Check the IP’s in your Smartphone app.

@Costas no i’m running V0.17.0 definitely .

also My smartphone app IP is ok ,also to check i created two new accounts on my app and after accessing the Administration Panel i found them there.

But if you renamed 16 jar as 17 jar then you would still be running 16.

Download 17 from GitHub again and see what you get.

I definitely didn’t renamed the files :smirk:
but i’ll download it again now …

I notice the data folder in the java call is …cong. Did your perhaps create a …conf directory but you are calling cong from command line?