[SOLVED] "Failed to disable echo" PROBLEM

For now I would forget hard serial with an Uno you need soft serial. You can only use Hard Serial with single serial devices (Uno, Nano etc) if you set up a soft serial port to debug your sketch in serial monitor. I don’t recommend this until you have mastered soft serial.

Well all I see is Failed to disable Echo in Soft Serial :joy:
Looks like standalone is the only left option for me.
Anyway let’s see what I can do with wemos d1. Guess it’ll Atleast take a month for delivery.

It can be as quick as 2 weeks from China to Europe for the WeMos. My last order has taken about 26 days and they still have about 70km to travel but the order sat for 12 days in China due to the backlog after Chinese New Year.

Maybe come back to Uno with ESP at a later date. It does work and your ESP is fine. It’s not a particularly good way to use the ESP and you can familiarise yourself with Blynk in standalone mode, with the limited ports available in this mode.

In what way using esp is not good.?

I see an example called ESP8266_standalone_SmartConfig

What are these used in…any idea…?

ESP’s work better as ESP’s rather than as shields.

If you look in the SmartConfig sketch you will notice there is no SSID and pwd. It basically allows you to connect to SSID’s stored inside the ESP having perhaps previously used one of the AT script commands such as AT+CWJAP=“ssid”,“password”

SSL is secure socket layer rather than TCP.

So smartconfig is better than just standalone ryt.
As to change the ssid or password in the sketch later on would take a little time to set esp up with flashing setup.
We can change the ssid and password by just connecting it with uno And running the AT command ryt. Hope I got that correct

Nearly right, there is no Uno. You send AT commands directly to the ESP and yes if you move from place to place you need to change the SSID and pwd in the standalone sketch for it to work. This would not always be practical but as long as you have a way of sending AT commands to the ESP you can get connected.

The REALLY smart way is provided by one of the Blynk community members @tzapulica
If you look at his github for WiFi Manager at https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager you will see it allows you to change the SSID and pwd (plus other stuff) from any web browser when you boot up the ESP. We use it in one of our main sketches which then connects to Blynk wherever we are as long as there is WiFi. Or in your case maybe wherever their is a GSM network to tether the ESP to.

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Hello Guys I have probably spent 10 hours on this and I finally made it work.

For those still looking solution for using Arduino UNO with ESP8266 shield and Blynk here it is.

Following those instructions.

For PC users use only steps 1,2,7,8,9,10.

The problem happens after updating the ESP’s firmware, because by default the baudrate is set to 115200.
To fix that.

  1. Connect ESP to Uno using pins D0,D1 and upload bareminimum to UNO board.

  2. Open the monitor at 115200 and type AT and press enter. It should respond OK. (if not then reverse the RX TX cables)

  3. That means your ESP board is in working condition and you have comunication.

  4. Then type AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0 and that should change the baudrate to 9600.

  5. Now connect the esp again on pins 2,3 and upload the ESP8266_Shield sketch with your auth pass ssid and password updated in the code.

  6. Open the monitor select 9600 and you should see this.

If not then reverse the RX,TX pins.

For more help reply here.

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Nice. Thanks for sharing!

Can anybody provide me the link for ESP8266 AT firmware version 0.22 ? Been trying to find it for hours now, all the links seems to be removed.

Thanks in advance

No idea where it is, but if you send me your e-mail address via PM I will send it to you :slight_smile:


hey sir,
i really need your help, you will save my project, i am facing same problem of Failed to disable echo. how you solved it. my esp8266 version is AT version: 11 2016 18:09:56)
SDK version:1.5.4(baaeaebb)
Ai-Thinker Technology Co. Ltd.
Jun 13 2016 11:29:20
installing AT ver. 0.22 and SDK Ver 1.0 will work?
how you flashed 0.22 version in your ESP8266.
please help me sir, next week i have to submit my last year project. please please please

sir please send me link for ESP-01 AT version 0.22
please please please

my email id is, santoshyadav4149@gmail.com
sir please, next week is my submission

It’s probably not a firmware issue, but more likely wrong sketch, mismatched serial settings or wiring faults. Did you triple check those?

___ __ __
/ _ )/ /_ _____ / /__
/ _ / / // / _ / '/
//_, /////_
__/ v0.4.4 on Arduino Uno

[526] Connecting to shashankravi
[1536] Failed to disable Echo
how to solve this problem. I am using arduino uno and esp8266-01 with ai thinker firmware

if u are usin esp826601 with arduino uno…this error can be solved by swapping tx rx on ports 3,2

A post was split to a new topic: Yet another Fail to disable echo