Sorry if this is documented somewhere but I couldn’t find it… I’ve flashed my ESP01 with the Blynk.Inject library. It worked a few times while I was testing and customising code. But at some point the ESP stopped resetting the memory after uploading a new Sketch. The new code uploads fine but it keeps the old wifi settings and does not go back into AP/Configuration mode.
How do I reset everything and start again? Also is there a way without uploading a new sketch?
In the Arduino IDE Tools menu you can change the Erase Flash settings from Only Sketch to Sketch + WiFi Settings or All Flash Contents.
ESP-01s come in a variety of different memory sizes and it’s not easy to tell which you have. It’s possible that you’ve chosen too large a memory setting for the board, or too small a memory setting for the sketch and associated memory. I’m not sure if the Blynk.inject library uses SPIFFS, but if it does then that’s another setting that you may have to tweak.
Ah thanks I’ll give it a go. I did wonder this before… Any idea how I can work out the esp’s features? I have 3 and they all physically look slightly different and no documentation about them.
Can’t work out the esptool too complicated for my simple mind. But the erase flash setting under the Tools menu did the job anyway. Thanks @PeteKnight.