This version works for me. I have just recompiled a fresh WeMos D1 Mini now.
It’d litterally take 1min to change it in setup() and switch in the blynk libraries to match the hardware.
Refer to the Blynk connection documention.
I personally have never used Ethernet but Blynk supports it!
You may have only seen a mention in this thread or another thread of mine… SmartLED Controller
The bell basically sends out a Blynk Bridge command to another ESP on the network.
We wanted a silent bell in our house so we used lights as a inidcation someone is at the door/gate.
So if you use the SmartLED Controller with a WS2811 LED strip in your house, just enter its auth code in to the settings for the SmartGate and it will flash the lights like a strobe for 2 seconds when the gate is opened or the bell is pressed.
You could add an actual sound to make it a proper bell if you wanted or just make it notify your phone/send an email etc. Think of it as just an extension. You can disable it in settings.