Slider does not correspond to the right scale

Hey Guys.

In the last Android Blynk App uograde my sliders synk() upgrade de values to the right ones but the slider does not correspond to the right scale. For example:

I have a range 15 to 25. If i have 22 selected… it means it’s almost in the end of the scale. After a restart is the App, the slider shows “22” but the scale corresponds to a 16…

I had this feature working before the upgrade

Any ideas?

Double check your ranges in the Widget… I also have many with range settings and they all still work.

Are you using Cloud or Local Server?

Are you also using Data Mapping in the widget?

Open a new topic with further details and showing the Widget settings and any relative code if necessary.

Thank you for your answer @Gunner!

I work in this sketch since September with no issues.

Coincidence or not, I am experiencing lots of issues since last upgrade. I am debugging all the code. Yesterday I saw one of the issues… it was the Syncing Virtual 8 that was crashing the Ethernet module.

I lost my blynk project… and I had to rebuild it again…

I started copying and pasting to find why the code was not working and I found that problem. At the end… everything is working again with no changes at the sketch. Don’t understand why. It simply start working again.

About the slider, I don’t use data mapping. I don’t use it because I don’t need it in my case. This morning I left my house and I was experiencing this issue… now I don’t have it anymore. I will debug and if I have another problem… I will report it!
I came to the forum because I needed a fast answer to my problems because I have lots of things at home that was not working properly and it gave me a big headache… :stuck_out_tongue:


There was another App update a few hours ago… who knows, maybe that helped?

Meanwhile, I moved this into your own Topic. If the issue returns, then carry on here, if not, let us know and we will call this mysteriously solved :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just to upgrade this topic… i moved to the blynk cloud since i was having erratic devices all the time… dont know why. It just started to give problems sudently… i am testing everything at the cloud. No problems till this moment. :wink: