In the last Android Blynk App uograde my sliders synk() upgrade de values to the right ones but the slider does not correspond to the right scale. For example:
I have a range 15 to 25. If i have 22 selected… it means it’s almost in the end of the scale. After a restart is the App, the slider shows “22” but the scale corresponds to a 16…
I work in this sketch since September with no issues.
Coincidence or not, I am experiencing lots of issues since last upgrade. I am debugging all the code. Yesterday I saw one of the issues… it was the Syncing Virtual 8 that was crashing the Ethernet module.
I lost my blynk project… and I had to rebuild it again…
I started copying and pasting to find why the code was not working and I found that problem. At the end… everything is working again with no changes at the sketch. Don’t understand why. It simply start working again.
About the slider, I don’t use data mapping. I don’t use it because I don’t need it in my case. This morning I left my house and I was experiencing this issue… now I don’t have it anymore. I will debug and if I have another problem… I will report it!
I came to the forum because I needed a fast answer to my problems because I have lots of things at home that was not working properly and it gave me a big headache…
Just to upgrade this topic… i moved to the blynk cloud since i was having erratic devices all the time… dont know why. It just started to give problems sudently… i am testing everything at the cloud. No problems till this moment.