Sensor de temperatura usando un sensormlx90614

Buenas disculpen si me pudieran ayudar a enviar los datos que captura el dispositivo blink a una base de datos para que lo pueda descargar esos datos tomados como un informe, mi sistema ya funciona ya toma los datos y también lo muestra en una pantalla lcd 16x2, y estos datos que toma mi sensormlx9061 lo toma presionando un botón y en los próximos 5 segundos tomará esos datos

Good sorry if you would help me send the data that the blink device captures to a database so that I can download that data taken as a report, my system already works, it takes the data and also shows it on a 16x2 lcd screen, and these data that my sensormlx9061 takes it takes it by pressing a button and in the next 5 seconds it will take that data

@Victor_Chambi_Cacere I’ve merged your two topics together. Please don’t spam the forum by creating multiple topics on the same issue.

If you want help then you need to start by providing the information that is requested when you create a new topic.
This includes your correctly formatted code.

It sounds like you haven’t done any research on how to connect to the Blynk server and write data to it, so you should probably do that, and incorporate it into your existing code, before going any further.
