Hi All,
I really hope someone can help me with my issue - I have searched exstensively but cannot find any solution:
I have as small startup project doing temperature monitoring connected to my home wifi network via an esp8266 module - that works great.
If I am home and connected to the home network on my mobile phone I log in - see my project and everything works with no issues.
Now - if I leave home and connect to the internet via mobile network and login using the exact same login and password - I see an old test project I used to play with?
Back home on home wifi - all fine again?
What do I do?
Hello. Do you use Blynk Cloud? What Blynk firmware version do you have on ESP? Could you please ping blynk-cloud.com
when you are in mobile network and do the same when you are at home? What IPs do you see in both cases?
Hi Dmitriy,
Yes - Blynk Cloud. I can access and ping the server successfully from both mobile and home successfully - yet I “see” different things (projects) in the Android app.
I am not sure if I somehow ended up with 2 profiles with the same credentials?
What IPs do you see in both cases?
From mobile it is
I will have to check at home for the other. Will update.
Ok. will wait for second IP. What is your account?
@edmundp as temporary solution you may hardcode IP in your app -
. That should help for now.
Hi there,
Ping from home is