Don’t waste your time trying to do this with Eventor, do it in code on your NodeMCU
To get sunrise and sunset times for your location you’ll need to do an API call to a weather service. Topics such as this one:
Hi, I need some help with part of my project. It’s a 700W Solar panel sun tracking bed.
This project.has been up and running for 6 months but with problems, random off line events, random OTA update not responding.
I think the mathematical model tracking the sun has some unknown error and I have had enough looking for it. So I have found a workaround. Using webhooks and an API response from a website.
(The bit I need help with)
I need to save two results in two …
or this one:
You have to suscribe to , it’s free
once you get json string, you have to use my code.
this is the string you get with API
{"coord":{"lon":5.01,"lat":44.84},"weather":[{"id":802,"main":"Clouds","description":"scattered clouds","icon":"03d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":19.99,"feels_like":13.56,"temp_min":18.89,"temp_max":21,"pressure":1029,"humidity":43},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":8.2,"deg":350},"clouds":{"all":34},"dt":1590341663,"sys":{"type":1,"id…
are good places to start researching how to query weather services.