Redbear BLE Nano 2

When do you anticipate including the BLE Nano 2 in your app?

Not planned currently.

However, Blynk ahs examples with BLEPeripheral library, which supports BLE Nano 2, so it should just work.

I will look into that. Thank you.

Hi @belton,
did you figure out how to use nano 2 with Blynk properly? Can you please share examplary code?
Best regards,

No. I have not yet. Itā€™s been put on the back burner for a while now. Iā€™ll let you know if I do figure something out. Let me know if you do first.

Don`t get it runningā€¦ tried all day
Nano 2 connects to cellphone properly, but not to Blynkā€¦

@CMagnus, @belton You can try same technique as I described with BBC micro:bit:
Just select S132 SoftDevice.

The Blynk BBC microbit example will not compile (IDE 1.8.2):
1.) type ā€˜Printā€™ is not a base type for type ā€˜BLESerialā€™
after deleting: ā€œusing Print::write;ā€ from BLESerial:
2.) ā€˜BLE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_VALUE_LENGTHā€™ was not declared in this scope
after changing the variable to a fixed value of 20:
3.) cannot declare variable ā€˜SerialBLEā€™ to be of abstract type ā€˜BLESerialā€™

Old libraries?

All set-up today. The issues already started with:
ā€œArduino\libraries\BLEPeripheral-0.4.0\src/nRF51822.h:15:30: fatal error: s110/ble_gatts.h: No such file or directoryā€
But I copied RFduino folder to src and renamed to s110. The other libraries are coming with your latest Blynk version (0.4.7).

I did not have to copy anything anywhere

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Okā€¦ deleted all of Arduino IDE, installed again, including Nordic packagesā€¦ works like charm. Thx a lot and sorry for the mess!


I donā€™t know if this will help or not but while tinkering with it one night, I was able to pull up the Nano 2 I have in the Bluetooth device list in Blynk with the SimpleControls sketch provided by Redbear. No connection was made because Blynk is not in that sketch. Hope this helps.

Iā€™m designing a PCB right now for my project. But after I get that made and the components soldered in Iā€™ll be trying to get this to work as well. Until then, keep me in the loop please.

Didnā€™t see the edit @CMagnus. Thanks

Nevermind! I got it to work. Not 100% certain how I fixed it.

Hello @vshymanskyy - I have a question if you donā€™t mind.

Can you confirm that in the Adruino IDE:
-the board is ā€œredbear BLE nano 2ā€
-softdevice is S132
-programmer is CMSIS-DAP
-then from the tools menu you select NRF5 Flash Softdevice

And can you confirm on the Blynk Android app I select the BBC Microbit as the hardware?

Iā€™ve tried that and nothing seems to happen. Below is a screen grab.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.


You forgot to click Upload button on the toolbar I assume.
if the board is not listed in the App, you should pick ā€œGeneric Boardā€.