Raspbery Pi - Not able to switch on LEDs

Hi Friends,

Thanks for this Awesome software…
I was able to install and create a project from my Android mobile…
i tried to connect 3 LEDs with my RPi to make it glow…
i can able to see the action in command prompt i.e) GPIO 4 value-1,0,etc…
but the LED is not glowing… Where would i have gone wrong?

Thanks in advance…

Hello, you mean LED widget or physical LED?

Same to me.

I can see the action in command prompt, but no glowing a physical LED with the GPIO widget.

Testing with the example script /blynk-library/linux/wiringPi/examples/blink.sh works.

seems the same Howto for Raspberry Pi

Hi all,

We just provided the JS library which should be much easier to use…

Hope this helps.