Raspberry Pi + iOS app button widget not controlling GPIO

I just got rolling with Blynk and am having issues with controlling a 5v relay via digital pins. I have setup a button widget as a switch controlling GPIO pin 17, and can turn the relay on; however, I cannot seem to get the app to turn the relay back off as expected.

I am running Blynk v 0.3.2-beta, Node v0.12.6, and wiringPi 2.29 with a freshly updated Raspberry Pi 2.

Any thoughts on whats going wrong?

PS. I used the below guide to get setup:

Edit: YT video uploaded of events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWoWMPDr0dU

So are you using node or C++ library. We suggest using node…

Forgive my ignorance, please. I didnt see in the setup guide where to select Node vs C++. Shouldn’t the button API handle the backend?

Is there something other than installing the applications that needs to be done for the button to control the GPIO pins?

Exactly the same problem here with Android and I am using node.
Is there any solution for this yet ?

** update **
When connecting a LED to this port it does switch off and on, so can it be a problem with the relay. I use the same brand of relay as the first poster here. (Ywrobot relay)